Restful to the eyes, and beautiful, is the best description I can give of the quiet and restrained style of the platform decorations I saw at the East Pennsylvania camp meeting. Behind the speaker as he stood on the platform was an arrangement in white and green, beautiful in its simplicity and calculated to induce the spirit of true worship. At my request, Mrs. G. F. Eichman, the wife of the conference president, and author of the design, has written the following brief description:
"First a frame of the required size was made, and then white and green cambric were tacked on in pleats as shown in the accompanying sketch. The cambric was twenty-seven inches wide, and the two widths were used for each section. A strip of green four inches wide was tacked around the edge for a border, and a green half-moon with a smaller white one were put in the lower center to cover the place where the pleating came together.
"A railing about twenty inches high was built around the platform. It was faced with green pleating, and the top of the railing was wrapped in white. Across the front, eight palms were set appropriately, and bouquets of fresh flowers were placed in the center and on the sides. The various bouquets were of larkspur and daisies, pink roses, salmon-pink gladioli, and regal lilies."
The beauty of the pulpit decorations were not marred by an incongruous setting. The pavilion was kept in excellent order. If someone dropped a piece of paper, it was quickly gathered up, and the adjoining grounds were likewise kept clean and attractive. The children united with the adults in keeping the camp in good order.
Altogether the arrangements at this camp meeting were such as to encourage the worshipers to go home and try to make their churches and homes as clean and tidy and beautiful as possible. It is pleasing to God that we should worship Him in the beauty of holiness, and outward surroundings which are in keeping, encourage a quiet, reverent spirit.