Reaching the Women of India
Can we not get a vision from this of one way to break down prejudice against Christianity and build up strong favorable impressions?
Training an African Ministry
It is now more than forty-five years since our mission work began among the African people. Ever since, it has been the object of our missionaries to train the African to bear responsibility.
Personality Involves A Pleasing Voice
Probably no greater compliment was ever paid to a man than Mark paid to Jesus when he wrote, "The common people heard Him gladly." But it was not only what Jesus had to say; it was also how He said it, that caused the common people to hear Him gladly.
Three Schools of Prophetic Interpretation
There are three leading systems of prophetic interpretation current in the religious world. Each of these systems has many eminent advocates, and each group, of course, thinks its own system to be the only correct one.