Our Task in Time of War
In the crisis hour many are asking, What is our task? What can we do to help a world in distress?
Modern Movements in Hinduism
A look at various movements that constitute a challenge to our missionaries who are commissioned to carry the everlasting gospel to the ancient land of Hindustan.
Our Stupendous Responsibility
The progress, prosperity, and success of the cause of God on earth will be in direct proportion to the faithfulness, devotion, and effectiveness of His ministry.
Advertising the Evangelistic Effort
Advertising is a great means to the end of moving our Eastern cities, or any city, to accept of this the greatest message ever given to man.
Winning and Holding Our Youth
The winning of our youth is a problem for every worker in the conference.
The Necessity of Organized Study
Our multiplied duties tend to reduce study to the barest minimum.
Make the Bible Foremost
In these days of Modernistic views, higher criticism, and doubt, we as Seventh-day Adventist ministers consider it a profound privilege to uphold the Book of books as the inspired word of God, as a harmonious unit in both the Old and the New Testament, as the infallible guide to mankind on his journey heavenward.
Religious Trends of Today
Christian doctrine and belief was greatly affected by the growing emphasis upon the external which developed with recent scientific progress.