The Medical Missionary Doctor

The Medical Missionary Doctor-4

Medical Evangelism in Fresno

By MARVIN H. MOORE, M.D., Fresno, California

In the writings of the Spirit of prophecy we are told that medical training should greatly increase the ability of a worker in the vineyard of the Lord. This instruction helped to inspire me years ago to take the medical course. But after completing the course of study at the College of Medical Evan­gelists, and practicing my chosen profession for several years, I began to wonder where all the souls were that I had prepared for the heavenly Canaan. For a time I tried to convince myself that setting a good example, being conscientious in my work, holding a church office, and teaching a Sabbath school class should be all that was required of me.

After studying the instruction found in "Early Writings" and "The Great Contro­versy," my wife and I became convinced that the laymen of the Seventh-day Adventist Church are to arise, and, having sought God for a special experience, spread everywhere the loud cry of the third angel's message. There was born anew in our hearts, as medi­cal missionary laymen, a determination to have a part in this work. In the practice of medicine during the last few years, I have been impressed that there are many honest people in this old world who are longing for the bread of life. The Christian physician many times wins the respect and confidence of such individuals. We decided nearly a year ago to watch for these hungry souls, and organize them into a Bible-study class.

Our plan of procedure has been a simple one. In the reception room of our office is a rack containing the Signs of the Times, as well as other truth-filled literature. A sign on the rack invites our patients to "Take One." We observe those who take religious papers or who otherwise seem interested in religious affairs, and at an opportune moment engage them in conversation in regard to the paper they may have taken or some point of Bible doctrine in which they seem interested. We tell them that we enjoy the study of proph­ecy, and that, in fact, it is a hobby of ours.

We also tell them we have been startled by some of the tremendous events that are taking place in the world about us, fulfilling Bible prophecy, and indicating that we are living in the last hours of this world's his­tory. Having raised a desire in the truth seeker to know more of the prophecies, we then tell of the prophecy class which meets once a week in our home. It is emphasized that this class is made up of various denomi­nations, including both Catholics and Protes­tants. We describe the pictures and the Bible verses that are thrown on the wall during the study. The Spirit of God does the rest, and many ask if they may join the class. Usually those who do not ask to join seem pleased at an invitation to come.

Our class starts with a few words of wel­come, followed by a special song, usually by someone from the church. Many have been glad to help us in this way. The song is followed by a prayer. Then comes the picture-roll study, with the roll obtained from the Mayse Studio at San Diego. Following the study, we have a second song, and then invite those present to enter into discussion and ask questions. Finally we serve our guests with a glass of fruit juice to help make the gather­ing as informal as possible.

I am indeed impressed as I see how the Spirit of God influences those who are honest in heart. I think of one member of our class, a fine type of woman, formerly a Catholic, who has been a leader in local clubwork. This woman was given a dream in which she saw One coming in the clouds of heaven. The dream was most impressive. Upon awaken­ing she was tremendously impressed, and felt that some special meaning was attached to the dream. She told the dream to a neighbor, who said, "You must have dreamed of the second coming of Christ."

The woman then asked, "The second com­ing of Christ, what is that ?" Since she was a Catholic, she had never heard of the second coming of Christ. From this time on she began to search the Bible and to read every­thing she could find on the subject. The Lord led her in various ways until one day, while nursing one of my patients, she asked to be permitted to join our Bible class. Each week she comes and brings her son and daughter. At a recent meeting we studied the mark of the beast, and this woman testified that she was not only going to join our church, but that she would never rest until all of her five children were acquainted with and had ac­cepted this blessed truth.

I think of another woman who is sur­rounded by opposition to the Adventist faith. She was wavering as to whether she had found the true light. A few days ago, on Friday night, she also had a dream in which she sat in church and heard a certain sermon. On Sabbath morning she felt impressed to come to our church, and there on the platform was the speaker of her dream. Soon he rose to speak, and she was startled to hear the sermon that she had heard in her dream. She is now convinced that God gave her this dream to strengthen her wavering faith.

Then there is the fine young pharmacist whom we first met last spring. He says that when we asked him to come to our cottage meeting, he did so the first time, to use his own words, "with my fingers crossed." Soon he was heard to say, "I would never go to a church, but I like to come over here." He missed only one study in several months. Now he is always seen in Sabbath school and church, and at prayer meeting. He was re­cently baptized into our church.

One day I noticed a woman at the office reading the Signs of the Times. We sent the Signs to her home. After a few weeks she asked me if I was sending her this paper. When I admitted that I was, she expressed her appreciation and stated that she always read the paper as soon as possible when it came. "After reading it, I take it to the neighbors," she said, "But I don't give it to them; I only lend it. And when the neigh­bors are through, I go and get it and give it to someone else." Needless to say, it was not difficult to get her to attend our class. For some time now she has been attending our church, and already she has a burden for her family to teach them the things she is learning.

There are many others of whom we could write, for truly God is blessing in this work. Three are now ready to enter the church, and several more are progressing rapidly. Fol­lowing each class period we pass out literature to each member on the subject covered that evening, using the Family Bible Teacher. Most of our class review the subjects pre­sented, and are thus established in the points they may have missed in the study of the evening.

As soon as the interested ones reach the climax of interest, and have lost any prejudice they may have had in regard to our faith, they are invited to my Sabbath school class. It is well known that those who learn to study God's word and regularly attend the Sabbath school do not apostatize. Those who have come to our studies have been grateful for the light we have been instrumental in giving them. At the last holiday season they sur­prised us by bringing us a floor light as a gift. With the gift was presented a verse expressing appreciation for the light of truth.

We are thankful for a small part in pre­senting the last warning message to the world. Our prayer is that many others, espe­cially our Seventh-day Adventist physicians, may join in this work.

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By MARVIN H. MOORE, M.D., Fresno, California

June 1940

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