Opportunities of the Prayer Circle

Using the radio and the reading room to make contacts for the message.

By MARY D. HOPKINS, Bible Worker, Southern California Conference

During a recent visit to the headquarters of the Quiet Hour Reading Room in Portland, Oregon, we were deeply impressed by the helpful work carried on by Elder J. L. Tucker and his associates. These workers are successfully using the radio and the reading room to make contacts for the message. On the day of our visit Mrs. Tucker related some of her experiences as she counseled and prayed with per­plexed souls who visited the Quiet Hour Reading Room, on one of Portland's main streets. At the time of our visit, Miss Rose Herr was giving a Bible reading to a man who was reached in this-way. We were impressed that this type of evangelism fits into the giving of a comforting message for this hour. The following article by Miss Hopkins on her experi­ence in Southern California suggests how the spirit of the quiet hour may influence lives to find their security in God and in His word.

L. C. K.

On the west coast, where men's hearts are "failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth," we find much anxiety, unrest, and mov­ing about, especially in the areas in which large defense plants and Army camps are located. Working conditions have changed materially, and hundreds of people have been evacuated. In many instances a sudden change in plans interrupts a series of studies, and often inter­ested ones find it necessary to move, perhaps to another State, on very short notice. These people are not subjects of panic, but victims of circumstances. No doubt we shall experi­ence this uncertainty of plans more and more frequently, and realize more and more the diffi­culty of carrying a series of Bible studies to completion in some localities.

Some months ago these conditions presented problems which seemed almost insurmountable, but the Lord has guided in the solution of our difficulties. Anticipation of certain changes has made it possible to secure the co-operation of readers, so that those who have been obliged to move away are continuing studies either by correspondence or under the direction of some­one in the vicinity of their new home. I have found that these interested ones appre­ciate the special personal attention thus given. Two such readers are putting into practice a plan which they had a part in making—a weekly get-together of friends and neighbors in their new location for the purpose of study­ing the Bible and praying for guidance in these trying times.

Providentially, the way has opened for me to organize groups of women and girls in various places into what members of the initial group chose to call the "Quiet Hour."

The influence of this hour of worship has spread until there are now several groups in my field meeting weekly to spend a quiet hour in study and prayer. It is my privilege to lead out in these services. While care must be used to avoid the direct presentation of doctrinal views, there is a great opportunity for sowing seed which may, if carefully nurtured, result in souls' being won to Christ.

The response to this effort to encourage those not of our faith to pray and to trust in the heavenly Father is touching. I am sure that these women, who represent various profes­sions, and who, almost without exception, have loved ones in our country's service, are receiv­ing comfort and help through communion with God and the sympathetic understanding of their associates in these meetings.

One never knows what may happen these days, and it is my purpose so to plan and conduct these quiet hours that something helpful will be given each week, and that a desire for a better knowledge of the Word may be implanted in hearts waiting to receive it. Our program provides for a short Scripture lesson, followed by the discussion of any ques­tion which may be asked. Then all take part in prayer. A text is assigned to be memorized, and requests for prayer are gladly received and remembered during the week.

Several of our "Quiet Hour" members have become definitely interested in our message and have asked for studies, and I trust that still others may soon ask for Bible studies.

By MARY D. HOPKINS, Bible Worker, Southern California Conference

August 1942

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