At a recent church conference on African affairs there were almost two hundred delegates present, representing most of the Protestant churches in America which are working in Africa. It was interesting to note the emphasis which was placed on the home during this conference, not only out in the mission field but also as a background in the preparation of missionaries to go to foreign lands.
A Zulu woman was in attendance at this meeting. She calls herself a "third generation Christian," her grandfather having accepted Christianity under the teachings of the American Board of Missions, which went out to Africa in 1835. Zealous for her people, she has come to this country to prepare herself for better service in teaching them. She said, "The missionary prepares the people to live in this world, as well as preparing them for heaven, and the gospel message they teach will tame the savage better than the sword."
She was disappointed, however, to find some standards so low in a Christian nation, and to find many things being practiced here which the missionary has taught her people to give up. For instance, she said, "Polygamy is practiced openly by the heathen, but secretly in civilized lands. The use of alcoholic beverages seems to be as promiscuous in this country now as in Africa. While we do not expect to find the grosser sins in the homes of Christians, yet there are many professed Christian homes which are being blasted upon the rocks of sin today.
Mrs. J.F. Wright