I. Spiritual gifts given to the church by Christ at His ascension. Eph. 4:4-8.
1. These gifts under the control of the Holy Spirit. 1 Cor. 12:8, 11.
2. They benefit each member in the church. 1 Cor. 12:7.
3. The gifts bring unity to the church as a whole. Eph. 4:12, 13; 1 Cor. 12:25.
4. Gifts remain in the church until it reaches perfection and is ready for translation. Eph. 4:12, 13.
5. Gift of prophecy in the remnant church. Rev. 12 :17 ; 19:10.
6. Gift of prophecy second in order. 1 Cor. 12:28.
II. God's use of prophets.
1. He speaks through them. Heb. 1:1.
2. Revelations through dreams and visions. Num. 12:6.
3. Prophet God's mouthpiece to deliver. His message to the church. Deut. 18: 15-22.
4. Reception or rejection of prophet's message means life or death. Eze. 3: 17-19.
III. The work of a true prophet.
1. To guide. 1 Sam. 9:6, 19, 20; Acts 13:1-4.
2. To instruct in the things of God. 2 Kings 22:8-17.
3. To reprove of sin and wrong-doing. 2 Sam. 24:11-15; Matt. 14:1-10.
4. To give warning. Jer. 26:1-15; Acts 21:10-14.
IV. The tests of a true prophet.*
1. Known by fruits. A godly life. Matt. 7:15-20.
2. Conscious of a divine call. Isa. 6:1-10; Jer. 1:5-10; Amos 7:14, 15.
3. Messages in harmony with the Word. Isa. 8:19, 20.
4. Predictions will come true. Dent. 18: 20-22.
V. Have the life and work of Ellen G. White measured up to the test of a true prophet?
1. Her life testifies to the claim as witnessed by the following :
a. As witnessed by a friend. Abiding Gift of Prophecy, by Daniells, pp. 363-368.
b. As witnessed by an enemy. The Spirit of Prophecy in the Advent Movement, by Spicer, p. 127.
c. As witnessed by a world observer. Id., p. 26.
2. Conscious of the fact that she was called of God. Testimonies, Vol. I, p. 62; Vol. V, p. 667.
3. Her writings are in harmony with the Word of God. The Great Controversy, pp. 595, 598, 599; Testimonies, Vol. V, pp. 663-665.
4. Her predictions have come true.
a. Publishing work. Divine Predictions Fulfilled, by F. C. Gilbert, pp. 110, 114, 119, 120.
b. Sevenfold prophecy. Id., pp. 377, 378.
c. Looking ahead. Id., pp. 251-255.
d. For many other predictions fulfilled see The Abiding Gift of Prophecy, chapters 28-32.
VI. Blessings have attended the church as it has given heed to the messages from God through His prophets in all ages. 2 Chron. 20:20.
* I do not touch on physical manifestations in the tests of a true prophet. The other evidences are more important and far safer. When a person gives himself over to evil influences, there is no end to the physical manifestations which Satan can produce. These other proofs must carry over a period of years, and are not so easily imitated.
Seventh-day Adventists believe that God called Ellen G. Harmon (later Mrs. James White) to be His messenger, and that He bestowed upon her the prophetic gift at the time He revealed to the church the last message of mercy to a dying world as found in Revelation 14:6-12. This message is world wide in its extent, and the gift of prophecy was necessary for divine guidance of the church in the accomplishment of its stupendous task.