Making the Evangelistic Tent Attractive
It is no longer enough simply to erect a tent, announce a, subject, and expect an overflowing crowd.
Leading Members Into Activity
The matter of leading our church members into evangelistic activity is one that presents a mighty challenge to every minister and worker in the cause of God.
Church Efforts Are Fruitful
Too many efforts do not have the success they might otherwise have, owing to a lack of interest on the part of the church members.
Making Contact With Listeners
One of the best preparations that can be made for an evangelistic campaign is to have a Bible instructor or a colporteur build up an interest before the evangelist begins his series of meetings.
"Voice of the Open Bible"
Our radio program, The Voice of the Open Bible, has been very successful as a soul-winning agent in the Chesapeake Conference.
The Greek Syntax of Revelation 9:15
Part one of our investigation of the grammar and textual tradition of this important biblical text.
A Landmark of History
I. An examination of the historical background of the prophetic periods of Revelation 9.
Positive Aspects of Creationism (Concluded)
Last month we learned that the theory of evolution might be divided into three parts—cosmic, geological, and biological. The geological phase was considered first, and we come now to the biological aspect.