Correspondence School in South America

Correspondence School in South America

Radio Evangelism in Action.

By LYLON H. LINDBECK, Secretary, Radio Commission, South American Division

The Voice of Prophecy is broadcast in the South American Division on forty-nine long-wave and twelve short-wave stations. While the coverage is not yet complete, still the programs are broadcast by good stations in strategically located cities, and the great population areas of all the republics are well covered. As the work advances, new stations are being added, and soon all will be able to listen weekly. The programs are broadcast generally by transcriptions in three languages—Spanish, Portuguese, and English. They are prepared at the foreign-language depart­ment of the Voice of Prophecy in Glendale, Cali­fornia, native speakers being used. The King's Heralds also sing the hymns in the Spanish and Portuguese languages. The foreign-language broadcasts are rendered in the same style as the English and have received a most en­thusiastic reception by radio listeners in South America.

Broadcasting this message by radio in South America is a new venture. Many of our workers and members questioned the possibil­ity of our maintaining a radio broadcast in these dominantly Catholic countries. But from the very beginning God has richly blessed and prospered our radio evangelism and protected it against very strong opposi­tion, which has recently manifested itself in certain countries. Radio reaches all classes of society. During our first eighteen months on the air, more than twenty thousand listen­ers have written letters of appreciation. Many of these have come from high government officials, doctors, lawyers, and businessmen.

The Radio Bible Correspondence School has handled by the three sectional radio offices in Buenos Aires, Lima, and Rio de Janeiro. More than one hundred and twenty thousand pieces of correspondence have gone out from these offices, and approximately fifty thousand radio sermons have been requested by inter­ested radio listeners.

The Radio Bible Correspondence School has been enthusiastically received in all these coun­tries. Thousands are now studying this mes­sage in the privacy of their homes, under the personal direction of our Bible instructors, through the correspondence plan. This privi­lege is greatly appreciated in these countries where little opportunity is afforded for Bible study, and where religious intolerance is prevalent. The Bible school constitutes the direct evangelizing agency of our radio work. It is the means by which the great doctrines of our message are clearly and systematically taught, and it forms our principal contact with those who become interested through the broadcasts. The plan of teaching the message quickly to thousands of people by correspondence is proving to be as effective in South America as in North America and other countries.

A financial plan similar to that used by the Voice of Prophecy in the States was inaugurated at the beginning of 1944. A small Crisis book is offered as a gift to all listeners who contribute a certain amount monthly. Religious customs and wide­spread poverty in many countries have made it difficult to secure the support anticipated. How­ever, eleven months later, at the close of November, 1944, the equivalent of over $2,250 had been re­ceived from listeners and church members. This is a good start, and we hope to strengthen the financial position of the program by continuing this plan. It gives promise of eventually sustaining a substantial part of our broadcast budget.

At the time of this writing (December, 1944) approximately twenty-four thousand requests for the Bible course have been received. Names are obtained in several ways—by announcements made over the broadcast, personal door-to-door solicita­tion by our church members and colporteurs, and newspaper advertising. Also a plan of co-ordina­tion has been perfected, in which our local broad­casters announce the correspondence course over their broadcasts, sending all names thus secured to the nearest sectional office of the Voice of Proph­ecy. Here special files are kept for each individual broadcaster. At frequent intervals they are in­formed of the progress of their respective students. By thus utilizing the existing facilities of the Voice of Prophecy Bible school they avoid the duplication of expenses resulting from a number of small local and semipermanent Bible schools. They are enthusiastic about the plan and are ob­taining hundreds of enrollments.

The names thus received are not counted as enroll­ments until the students return the first lesson. It is well known that many factors are involved in the securing of these names. Many are sent in by friends or relatives, and other requests come merely from curiosity. Some discover that it is not what they had expected. Therefore only those who indicate their personal desire to study by returning their first lesson are counted as "enrolled." Eight­een per cent of the names originally received re­turned their first lessons, and seventy per cent of those thus enrolled continued and remained active in the course. This means that more than three thousand students are actively studying week by week in South America. More than twenty thou­sand Bible studies have already been given by correspondence.

Personal attention is given each student. All questions are carefully and tactfully answered, and progress is encouraged and recorded. When a student fails to answer and return his lesson within three months, he is considered "inactive" and his name is then placed in an "inactive" file. In many of these countries the mail service is un­certain, and some students fail to receive their lessons. Usually they are sent a new copy of the lesson which they failed to return, with a letter suggesting that since the lesson may have been lost in the mail, they will now have the privilege of continuing where they left off. Every effort is put forth to encourage them to continue. A sur­prising number respond, continuing again in the course.

Two Series of Bible Lessons Used

The course of lessons used in South America has been especially prepared and adapted to meet the differing circumstances encountered in the Latin countries. We felt that in these countries where opposition is often bitter and every opportunity is frequently sought to find some cause to close down the broadcasts, it was best to prepare a course of lessons consisting of two series.

The first series, containing twenty-six lessons, is advertised to the public. Intended primarily to stimulate interest, build confidence, and lead to conversion, as well as form a strong foundation in the knowledge of Bible truth, these lessons cover, in a clear, simple, logical way, all the posi­tive doctrines of the message. Many, on finishing the first course, request baptism.

The second series contains the great distinguish­ing doctrines and subjects highly controversial in these countries. This series is not advertised to the general public. Only those who finish the first course satisfactorily and indicate a sincere desire to know more of the message are permitted to continue with the second series. This series is intended to prepare the student for baptism and church membership. As soon as the student quali­fies and is permitted to take the second series, his name is placed in the hands of the local pastor or evangelist, who in turn seeks to enroll him in the baptismal class or persuade him to attend the local Sabbath school or church. Since the second series is more difficult than the first, the pastor or Bible instructor may assist the student with the lessons where necessary. Thus by close contact every interest is carefully followed up. A very high per­centage of these students become church members.

A large harvest of souls is ripening all over the South American Division field. The first two students to complete the first course have been baptized. A number are already attending Sab­bath school and church services, and preparing for baptism. The coming year should bring a bountiful harvest of baptisms as a direct result of the Voice of Prophecy in radio evangelism.

Truly it is an inspiration to note the interest and enthusiasm manifested in the Bible school by so many students. Perhaps this is the first time in the history of the advent message in South America that so many people from all classes of society have had the privilege of studying systematically all the great doctrines of this message, especially under the direct supervision of Bible instructors. Radio as a mighty facility of modern communica­tion must be used to carry quickly the everlasting gospel to all nations, kindreds, and tongues. The Voice of Prophecy in South America marches for­ward, carrying the message to millions. Radio soul-winning evangelism is already stirring the continent. May God continue to bless.

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By LYLON H. LINDBECK, Secretary, Radio Commission, South American Division

April 1945

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