A most interesting experiment in evangelism was recently carried out by the students of the Hawaiian Mission Academy, who held meetings in the Manoa Valley housing area in Honolulu. Of their own volition these young people organized into a youth fellowship. There were about twelve or fifteen in the group who held these meetings in the name of "The Voice of Youth." They selected their own speakers, prepared their own advertising, conducted the effort themselves, and did a very acceptable piece of work.
It was a short, intensive campaign, but with provision for long follow-up work in a personal manner, which is quite in harmony with instruction given in the Spirit of prophecy. The message was presented in a good strong Way for about three weeks, because they were not able to secure the hall for a longer period. Special meetings were conducted for children; Bible schools and branch Sabbath schools were organized at the close of the public meetings. A good interest was awakened, and it was a real inspiration to the adults as well as to the young people to see the fine spirit of evangelism manifest in the hearts of these students.
A letter from W. J. Harris, superintendent of the Hawaiian Mission, states that one of the most encouraging features of evangelistic work in this island field has been the large number of lay-member Bible studies conducted. There is a very live lay-member activity in all the islands.
Surely this is a good pattern for evangelism in every part of the field. We wish to encourage our youth and lay evangelists, our preachers and pastors, to give thought and planning to this type of evangelism. Much can be carried on when the local field is not financially able to invest in a long, expensive evangelistic campaign.
It has been proved over and over again that by holding a short, intensive meeting of just one week, or a few weeks, then taking the names that have been secured in this meeting and organizing them into Bible classes, and enlisting the forces of the laymen to co-operate in a visiting program, many precious souls can be won. Thus will a maximum result be obtained with minimum expense.
M. K. E.