Following the Blueprint in Miami

PASTORAL PRINCIPLES AND PROCEDURES: Following the Blueprint in Miami

"The time demands greater efficiency and deeper consecration."—Gospel Workers, p. 114.

Pastor- Evangelist, Miami, Florida

Such soul-stirring statements as the following have inspired the believers in greater Miami to put on their spiritual armor and obey God's marching orders in these closing hours of earth's history. The time is here for the lay men to be organized and taught how to go out and conquer souls for Christ. It is only as we have followed the blueprint outlined in the Spirit of prophecy that we believe the Lord has abundantly blessed our efforts.

"The time demands greater efficiency and deeper consecration."—Gospel Workers, p. 114.

"Time is short, and our forces must be organized to do a larger work."—Testimonies, vol. 9, p. 27.

"The nations are angry with one another. Wide spread preparations are being made for war. The night is at hand. Let the church arouse and go forth to do her appointed work. Every believer, educated or un educated, can bear the message."—Ibid., p. 26.

The publishing work is to play a large part in the development of the loud cry, for our periodicals "are to flood the world with light." In volume 6 of the Testimonies we read of the "beautiful pattern and a perfect piece of work" that is to be followed by the church to swell the third angel's message into the loud cry. (Pages 326-328.) This "perfect piece of work" is the presentation of both the health books (or magazines) and the religious books, which makes a united work. We are told that one class of books (health) will always make a place for the other (religious). This is the method we have followed in Miami in our house-to-house work for a number of months. It has proved a success from the start.

Thirty-four laymen went out on a Sabbath afternoon several months ago to spearhead the lay-evangelism work. In one hour's work they personally contacted 244 people and presented each one a free copy of Life and Health. This health approach opened the doors of homes so that 97 signed the Twentieth Century Bible Course cards. This approach also made way for 93 prayers to be offered, and 418 pieces of literature were given away that one day. Since that first Sabbath spearhead groups have gone out each Sabbath afternoon when possible, and have enrolled more than 600 in the Bible course. On several Sabbaths the eleven-o'clock hour has been devoted to testimonial services for these lay workers.

Instead of mailing the Bible course cards back, laymen are delivering the lessons personally each Sabbath, and picking up the test papers to be graded by the Bible instructor. Now that we have carried a group all the way through the lessons, personal Bible studies are opening up on every hand.

By following this "beautiful pattern," and trying to produce a "perfect piece of work," we are looking for a great number of souls to accept the message and be made ready to meet their Lord when He comes in the clouds of heaven.



Pastor- Evangelist, Miami, Florida

September 1950

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