Spirit-directed Administrators
Seventh-day Adventist leaders must be spiritual men. No one can succeed or make a contribution of any value to the church who is not Spirit directed. Talents, experience, enthusiasm, hard work, and even education are valueless unless through them all there is the breath of heaven.
Administrators of God's Cause
It is a commonplace to state the importance of the role administrators assume in our midst. These men are called to be leaders in the church, and the influence of leaders is extensive and decisive.
Glories of the Gospel and the Call to Benevolence
By a chain of circumstances which would call forth God's charities, He bestows upon man the best means of cultivating benevolence, and keeps him habitually giving to help the poor and to advance His cause.
History and Administration of Division Conferences
A look at our world structure and its historical development and growth.
Conference Finance—Everybody's Business
How a wise administrator taught me the lesson that conference finance is everybody's business!
Well-Balanced Administration
The apostle Paul's instruction on spiritual and administrative gifts for the church is an intriguing study. Let's take a closer look at Paul's counsel in 1 Corinthians 12.
The Bible Hour: The Farthing Evangelistic Group, Guntur, India
A report on overseas evangelism, with its peculiar challenges and opportunities.
B. R. Spears' Oakland, California, Evangelistic Crusade
How over 100 candidates were baptized as a follow-up to this campaign.