How Can We Get the Most Out of Our Bible?
A preacher must so study the Word that he will be able to bring forth things both new and old, with the old in a new setting.
The Place of Prayer in Getting Decisions
Only the work accomplished with much prayer, will avail in the end."—The Desire of Ages, p. 362.
"Sons of the Stranger"
North America is a land of "strangers." Someone has said, "We are a nation of many nationalities, many races, many religions—bound together by a single unity, the unity of freedom and equality." This can also be said of Canada.
Working for Immigrants to American Shores
The greatness—the intellectual, scientific, and spiritual achievements—of one of the world's leading nations, the United States of America, is due primarily to the perennial flow of immigrants from its genesis to the present day.
Evangelizing Our Spanish Neighbors
In our efforts to bring the gospel of Christ to these millions of Spanish-speaking people, we need to take into consideration the language problem of some, the language preference of others, and their religious heritage.
Reaching the Foreign Born in the Large Cities
What do we do for these millions of strangers who come to our land? Do we know how they feel here? Can they be absorbed into the great melting pot of the United States?
What Did You Say?
There are expressions that have become part of our language that to others are sometimes meaningless, often confusing, sometimes amusing, sometimes disgusting. Let me mention a few.