BOOKS - for your library

Book reviews.

Say "Yes" to Life, Anna B. Mow, Zondervan Pub­lishing House, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 1961, 152 pages, $2.50.

The author was persuaded by Eugenia Price, a Christian writer in her own right, to bring a mes­sage to those who know about being born into a new life but are puzzled by growing pains. "Anna Mow is a woman with five degrees, but she would much prefer to have you know about her twelve grandchildren! Her message is dynamite to Phari­saism, fresh air to personalities smothered in dogma, nourishment for growth to stunted souls, and a green light to adventurous ones." So writes her friend "Genie" in the introduction.

Mrs. Mow is an ordained minister. She and her husband, Baxter, served as educational and evan­gelistic missionaries for the Brethren in India, from 1923 to 1940, specializing in Moslem work. The next eighteen years were given to teaching at Beth­any Biblical Seminary in Chicago. More recently her contacts are the spiritual life retreats and Chris­tian education institutes. Here is a book of great interest to youth workers. She writes out of a deep Christian experience, a broad knowledge of God's Word, and a true love for young people. The book has a timely message. 

Louise C. Kleuser


The Children's King James Bible New Testament, Modern Bible Translations, Inc., Evansville, Indi­ana, 688 pages, $6.95

For the first time a truly beautiful children's Bible has been published. The fact that children helped in its production has no doubt had a great deal to do with the clear, textbook readability found in its pages. The editors have carefully fol­lowed the Greek text, but in adapting it to chil­dren under fifteen years of age they have avoided the use of obsolete words and confusing sentence structure. It still contains the exact King James Bible message, but should a younger child en­counter woTds that are difficult to understand, a glossary of terms is provided at the back.

Teachers will be thrilled with this new Bible for children, for besides the Bible text with its self-pronouncing words and names there is the added feature of one hundred colorfully illustrated Bible stories—two pages in length—which appear when­ever possible adjacent to or within the chapter of the story being told. If the Bible text is followed, one simply skips these illustrated pages that have a special appeal to children under eight years of age. Even tots who cannot read will enjoy the ac­tion-sequence pictures on these Bible story pages.

This new children's Bible will not only be treas­ured by the young, but by everyone who works with and loves children.

Dorothy Emmerson


Awake, My Heart! by J. Sidlow Baxter, Zondervan Publishing House, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 1960, 384 pages, $3.95.

This work contains daily devotional meditations for the year.

Australian by birth, brought to England at an early age, and trained for the ministry at Spurgeon's College, this preacher and Bible teacher, with a Baptist background, has traveled in the United States and Canada. He writes out of a rich Chris­tian experience characterized by simplicity in the midst of profundity.

Louise C. Kleuser


Favorite Sermons of John A. Broadus, Harper and Brothers, New York, 1959, 147 pages, $2.75.

John A. Broadus is well known to college and seminary students. He has been called one of the Olympians of the American pulpit. His earlier works, The Preparation and Delivery of Sermons and A Harmony of the Gospels speak for them­selves. More recently, however, Vernon L. Stanfield edited the material in Favorite Sermons of John A. Broadus. The introductory chapter is titled "Preacher Extraordinary." It is a revelation of what made for strength and appeal in the Bap­tist preaching ministry of John Broadus. The study of his sermons, some in outline form, im­mediately reveals how Broadus truly preached Christ. Without great doctrinal consciousness and with surprising textual simplicity, but with a wide recognition of his powerful presentations mainly in a ministerial training community, John Broadus quietly elevated, reasoned, and appealed to youth and maturity to keep taking another look at Christ. His Christlike life made his ministry powerful.

Louise Kleuser


October 1961

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Baptismal Qualifications, Lethargy or Liturgy, Graham, Wesley, Moody, and News Notes

Candles in the Night—No. 3

The sixteenth-century Reformation became one of the greatest crises of the Christian church. Decisive issues were at stake, and some of the noblest examples of living the "newly re­vealed" doctrine of righteousness by faith were women associated with the leaders of the move­ment. Woman's candle shone the brighter in the gloom of those Reformation times!

Our Friends the Congregationalists: Discussions on the Contemporary Religions of America—No. 6

In the year 1931 the Con­gregational and the Christian churches discovered that while they had been separated for many years, they were identical in their ideals and principles. A merger of the two bodies was then brought about, with a for­ward look toward soon merging with the Evan­gelical and Reformed Church. We can well un­derstand why the Congregationalists have given strong leadership for the union of churches in both the National and World Council of Churches.

The Minister's Ally

In spite of the fact that the ministry is such a high calling, there are times when the preacher has the experience of pouring his heart out in a great sermon and then finding that he had aroused only a minimum of response in his listeners. Why is this?

The Pastor and the Sabbath School

If the pastor were to de­pend entirely upon his own efforts to win souls, the task at times would seem almost hopeless. However, this is not the case in the Seventh-day Adventist Church. The Sabbath school is especially con­ducive to winning souls.

Youth Can Win Souls!

Any youth old enough to be baptized is old enough to win souls." This new slogan, adopted by the Mis­sionary Volunteer department of the Southwestern Union, is proving that our youth are able to assume responsibilities of church membership.

The Bible Course and the Soul-winning Campaign

When someone speaks of a unique efficient method for evangelization in a speci­fied area the expression does not seem convincing. The ways and means to reach people with the gospel are manifold, just as varied as are the human personalities it is destined to reach. On the other hand, it can be proved that the combination of several methods is highly productive in a campaign, when the men who lead are willing to work in hu­mility and simplicity.

The Significance of Baptism

One of the fundamental beliefs of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, held in common with other conserva­tive Christian faiths, is that of baptism by immersion. Its institution as a Christian ordinance gave to baptism a far greater significance than it had ever possessed be­fore. This article seeks to consider some of the more significant points of which baptism is a fitting symbol.

Progress at the New Gallery Centre, London, England

During the seven years of its existence our London evangelistic center, with its unique position at the cross-roads of the world, has been instrumental in raising up a large central church of some 500 members. At the same time it has added to the membership of our other London churches.

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