Some Books I Can Recommend

Books here mentioned are a personal recommendation of works in a minister's library, and the comments offered do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the editors. We wel­come recommendations for this section, which is intended to offer suggestions to our workers and leaders.

President, South England Conference

My reading of devotional literature would lead me to give special mention of the following:

1. Quiet Talks on Prayer, S. D. Gordon, Fleming H. Revell Co., New York, London.

Quiet Talks on Power 

Quiet Talks on Service

2. The Spirit of Christ, Andrew Murray, Nisbet and Co. Ltd., London.

With Christ in the School of Prayer, Fleming H. Revell Co., Westwood, New Jersey.

3. The Full Blessing of Pentecost, Andrew Murray, Victory Press, London.

4. Absolute Surrender, Andrew Murray, Marshall Brothers, London.

5. A Man in Christ, James E. Stewart, Harper and Brothers, New York and London.

6. How to Live the Victorious Life, and The Kneel­ing Christian, Zondervan Publishing House, Grand Rapids, Michigan.

[Books here mentioned are a personal recommendation of works in a minister's library, and the comments offered do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the editors. We wel­come recommendations for this section, which is intended to offer suggestions to our workers and leaders.—Eds.]

President, South England Conference

February 1962

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More Articles In This Issue

Pointers for Preachers

An Hour Choosing Hymns, Soul-Winning Laymen, "Narcissistic Preoccupation"

Why I Like the Ministry *

Reprinted from This Week magazine. Copyright 1961 by the United Newspaper Magazine Corporation.

The Miracle of Love

The Scriptures say "God is love." Love is an attribute of God. He is the source of all love, and it is derived from Him.

The Basis for Real Decisions

I found the article "Close That Door!" The Ministry, August, 1961, especially chal­lenging. The seven points on how to close the door were all good. However, I believe there are other viewpoints that should be considered on this very important problem.

"Is Any Merry?"

The New Testament question of three words, "Is any merry?" is answered by James himself in the words "let him sing psalms" (James 5:13). Sing­ing psalms is indeed a good occupation, whether one is merry or sad, as the singing—with un­derstanding—of psalms will lead the singer into a much deeper experience with God.

Great Words of the Bible—No. 7: The Atonement (a)

The atonement is the heart of the plan of salvation. A proper understanding of its meaning is necessary to a cor­rect view of such important matters as the nature of God, the incarnation and work of our Lord, and the require­ments for salvation. But the word itself has changed its meaning.

The Collapsing Asphalt Jungle

Here we are on the verge of eternity, and we stand with pitifully small evange­listic budgets while we face soaring costs to maintain the overhead and understand­able demands for additional physical fa­cilities.

"Breakthrough" Opportunity for Your Church

The public relations pro­gram of our denomination is now a well-seasoned fifty years old! Often thought to be one of the new depart­ments, the public relations work will observe its golden anniversary in 1962.

Confidence Among Brethren: Part 1

How important for us to ever bear in mind that regardless of what flag or race we may represent we are first Christians. As followers of the Lord Jesus Christ there must be confidence among us.

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