My reading of devotional literature would lead me to give special mention of the following:
1. Quiet Talks on Prayer, S. D. Gordon, Fleming H. Revell Co., New York, London.
Quiet Talks on Power
Quiet Talks on Service
2. The Spirit of Christ, Andrew Murray, Nisbet and Co. Ltd., London.
With Christ in the School of Prayer, Fleming H. Revell Co., Westwood, New Jersey.
3. The Full Blessing of Pentecost, Andrew Murray, Victory Press, London.
4. Absolute Surrender, Andrew Murray, Marshall Brothers, London.
5. A Man in Christ, James E. Stewart, Harper and Brothers, New York and London.
6. How to Live the Victorious Life, and The Kneeling Christian, Zondervan Publishing House, Grand Rapids, Michigan.
[Books here mentioned are a personal recommendation of works in a minister's library, and the comments offered do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the editors. We welcome recommendations for this section, which is intended to offer suggestions to our workers and leaders.—Eds.]