Pointers for Preachers
"On The Double", Manipulated Texts, Fallout Folly, Youth And The Truth
An Interesting Interview in the Middle East
RUBY WILLIAMS, a Bible instructor associated with Beirut, Lebanon, Evangelistic Center, was conducting a cooking school in connection with the meetings there when I met her and asked for an interview. Here are some or the ensuing questions and answers.
Discussion Techniques in Evangelism
Two recent experiments in applying discussion techniques to public evangelistic meetings have convinced us that certain suggestions in Ellen G. White's writings are workable both overseas and here in the United States.
The Pastor and Personal Visitation
Though the past two millenniums in the church field have shown many drastic changes in pastoral visitation, the essentials remain.
When the Berkeley Bible came from the press in 1959 it was the fulfillment of a dream. Gerrit Verkuyl began this translation at the age most men are retiring. Who is this man and what is his background for undertaking a work of such magnitude?
Islam—Our Greatest Challenge: Concluded
In the Moslem world we see a religious system so powerful that it is gaining rather than losing in the face of Christian witness.The question naturally arises, What is God's purpose in allowing such a non-Christian philosophy to develop and grow?
"Somebody Hath Touched Me"
One of the most serious problems that Christ's religion has faced through the ages and is facing supremely today is that of its nominal members. The Christian in general has not given to the world around him the correct conception of his Master's way of life.
Go, Teach All Nations
IT MUST have been a thrilling and wonderful experience that day, nineteen hundred years ago, when a small handful of people, mostly fishermen and peasants, met with Christ on a mountain in Galilee.