The Marriage of the Lamb
In the word of God the very close and intimate union between Christ and His people is often illustrated by the marriage relationship.
The Nature and Person of Christ
The first seven centuries of the Christian Era witnessed the church battling courageously against several heresies that mainly dealt with: a. the status of Christ as God, and b. the incarnate relationship between His divine and human natures. These two problems, both relating to Christ, were the subject of protracted controversies known as the Trinitarian and Christological controversies. While the Trinitarian controversy rocked the church in the first four centuries of the Christian Era, the Christological controversy followed it from the fifth to the seventh century, or until the rise of Islam.
Significant World Trends (Part II)
An address given at the Southern New England ministerial council, January, 1962.
A Prophetic Message—3
Of the many signs given by Jesus in His great prophetic sermon by which we may know when His return is near, "even at the door," the only one He repeated, indicating its importance, was the warning of the coming of false prophets and apostles to deceive, if it were possible, the very elect.
A Plea for Theological Seriousness
To communicate week in and week out the meaning of the Christian faith obviously requires much more attention in reference to theology than the sporadic witness of an ,occasional affirmation of one's belief.
The Presentation of Ezekiel 38 in Evangelism (Concluded)
The most difficult question remains to be considered. Is this phrase in Ezekiel 38:2 correctly translated "chief prince"? Should nesi' ro'sh be rendered "chief prince" of Meshech and Tubal or should it be translated "prince of Rosh"?
The Song of Saints
The Biblical teaching concerning the saints—their identity, the prerequisites of becoming a saint, the saints' relationship to God and to mankind, the state of the dead, et cetera—is not in harmony with man-made tradition and teaching. Many traditions are highly contradictory among themselves. Yet it is of interest to know some of the traditions concerning those to whom various hymn tunes are dedicated.
"My Bible Says"
Can you imagine a successful evangelistic campaign in which there is no advertising—not a line appears in the press, and not a word on radio or television referring to the program—yet the pews of the Modesto, California, church are filled with an audience of four or five hundred people every Wednesday and Friday evening.