Australia's first school of health, aimed at qualifying nutrition instructors to receive their certificates of authorization from the General Conference, convened at Kallangur, Queensland, June 6-12, 1965. It was organized conjointly by the division, union, and conference medical secretaries, with special help and encouragement from Ella May Stoneburner of the General Conference Medical Department.
More than fifty delegates, representing almost every church in the conference, attended the five-day school for instruction from Dr. S. A. Kotz, secretary of the medical department of the division; Pastor E. W. Hon, medical secretary of the Trans-Tasman Union; Sister Hilda Bartlett, R.N.; and Mrs. Hazel Hon, skilled cooking demonstrator.
Classes were held under ideal conditions at the Queensland Conference convention grounds, which provided adequate modern amenities.
The wide and varied range of subjects covered emphasized such principles as the relative importance of proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals, and the dietary control of such problems as overweight, excess cholesterol, nerves, irritability, and tension.
Daily theory classes were highlighted each evening with practical demonstrations titled "The Objects and Principles of a Cooking Demonstration."
The school made excellent news through the large city communications media—press, radio, and television. Good coverage was given in the midst of an A.B.C. newsreel during the school. Subsequently the film was donated to the Queensland Conference Medical Department with the best wishes of the editor in chief of A.B.C. News.
The climax of the school was reached at Brisbane Central church when more than 120 certificates were presented. Besides the thirty-five who qualified for nutrition instructor's certificates, many others had previously studied the twelve-lesson Everyday Nutrition Course either by correspondence or class tuition and thus were qualified to receive the attractive certificate awarded upon its successful completion. Others had graduated from first-aid courses.
Classes and demonstrations are now being held in many centers as instructors impart to others that which they received.
Thus in Queensland, through proper nourishment and exercise, the previously stunted "right arm of the message" is beginning to show healthy signs of growth. We believe that it will not be long before the prediction will be fulfilled that states: "We shall see the medical missionary work broadening and deepening at every point of its progress, because of the inflowing of hundreds and thousands of streams, until the whole earth is covered as the waters cover the sea."—Medical Ministry, p. 317.
The Queensland Conference President's Impressions of the School
It is thrilling to see the "right arm of the message" responding to the massage treatment it is receiving in this conference. For too long this important member has been paralyzed. Health is wealth! People who proclaim that in the land to come there will be no more sickness should try to live that way now.
The school of health recently held in Brisbane was an outstanding success. To the very last minute of the school the instructors held the attention of the class; and no wonder, for the instruction given was practical, down - to - earth, common-sense material.
I am sure that all who attended the school. are ten times wiser on the subject of health and, in a little while, their families and churches will be fairer and healthier. I would be in favor of another school like this in the not-too-distant future.—K. S. PARMENTER.
The School of Health Through the Eyes of a Church Pastor
I value the School of Diet and Nutrition because it gave our church leaders a balanced program to follow in this important phase of our work for humanity. Our people have usually been faced, with fanaticism on one hand or apathy on the other. This school provided sound teaching and advice from capable instructors in an atmosphere of friendly participation which gave opportunity for a practical demonstration of the true value of our health message.—A. WHITE.
"As I Saw It"—by One of the Students
Right from the very first lecture on general anatomy given by Dr. Kotz, to the last cooking demonstration under Mrs. Hon's direction, we spent many pleasant hours with our instructors, gaining knowledge in numerous branches of nutrition and health, discussing controversial health subjects, and discovering that some of our habits (often lifelong) certainly needed changing for a more healthful way of life.
Now we shall remember in sharing our knowledge of healthful nutrition and cookery with our church members, neighbors, or community, that our purpose is the threefold ministry of Christ—to bring physical, mental, and spiritual restoration to those with whom we come in contact. Thus a complete new field of ministry has been opened up before me—one of service to my Lord, my family, my church, and my community.—MRS. BEVERLEY TIMMS.