Our Message

Our Message and the New Mass Media

Our work in the Philippines is gradually strengthening in the public eye through the medium of television, radio, and the local and national papers.

F. M. ARROGANTI President, Negros Mission, Philippines

Our work in the Philippines is gradually strengthening in the public eye through the medium of television, radio, and the local and national papers.

The Far East itinerary of N. R. Dower, secretary of the General Conference Ministerial Association, accompanied by R. C. Williams, of the Far Eastern Division, to hold min­isterial retreats and institutes and to attend division coun­cils, committees, and other important meetings, initialed our television evangelism in Negros Mission at a one-hour stage interview through channel 4 of the Chronicle Broad­casting Network, Bacalod City, Philippines, in the after­noon of November 6, 1967. This took place during the time Elder Dower and Elder Williams were attending the Central Philippine Union Mission ministerial retreat in the beautiful Santa Fe Resort in Bacolod City.

The city of Bacolod welcomed the visitors from overseas and from all over the Central Philippines. The guests were heard and seen by the people in the Visayas area through the radio and television interviews arranged with the local stations.

The telecast included N. R. Dower, R. C. Williams, Gottfried Oosterwal, of Philippine Union College school of the­ology, F. T. Geslani, of the Miller Sani­tarium and Hospital, and F. M. Arrogante, president of Negros Mission.

All cardinal tenets of the Adventist faith were presented. So enthusiastic was the re­sponse of the viewers that the television program director offered us more time.

The following day, November 7, a radio interview was also arranged for the same group to appear at the Sampaguita Broad­casting System.

On Monday, November IS, the Bacalod Sanitarium and Hospital staff, headed by Dr. and Mrs. W. G. Dick, was on focus for another one-hour television appear­ance demonstrating the use of some of the equipment of the modernized Bacalod Sanitarium and Hospital.

Besides our regular weekly radio pro­gram with station DYRH, four other sta­tions are offering their public service facil­ities for our message to be heard loud and clear through these tools of mass media.

The ministry in the Far Eastern Division was greatly strengthened by the series of ministerial institutes and retreats, by coun­seling and promotions in connection with the visit of N. R. Dower and R. C. Wil­liams, of the General Conference and Far Eastern Division Ministerial Association.

F. M. ARROGANTI President, Negros Mission, Philippines

March 1968

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