THE spirit of liberalism is very attractive. Perhaps it may be partly traced to the tendency of many teachers and ministers to receive advanced degrees from worldly schools. Their association in these schools conditions them to accept a very liberal attitude. It gives a feeling of sophistication to mouth the utterances of worldly professors. This sophistication causes some to look down on those who have not been so closely associated with the worldly influences.
The spirit of liberalism is an effective tool of Satan. It creates an atmosphere of doubt concerning many of the landmarks that have stabilized not only the church but all society through past generations. Liberalism generates a feeling of superiority. Any conservative is in danger of being called a Pharisee. This is only another way of calling a man a hypocrite.
Liberals constitute only a small minority to begin with, but as they cater to the unconverted by proclaiming their perverted ideas, utilizing their music, and appropriating their vocabulary, they subtly influence many to think in their fashion.
Scripture tells us that by beholding we become changed. This is psychologically true. A phrase can be repeated often enough until minds are brainwashed and accept it. Music that is abhorrent at first, is later endured, then tolerated, and finally listened to with pleasure and approval.
Each generation goes a step farther in the direction the liberals push humanity. The mass population accepts the standards of the liberals, then a new species of liberals arises and takes that generation a step farther down the path. Satan is clever, and he has now gotten the world to the point where we can wonder whether people have not reached the place spoken of in Noah's time, where "every imagination of the thoughts of ... [man's] heart was only evil continually."
The breakdown of morality has affected other areas of life. Not only is sexuality rampant but there is a cynical attitude toward public officials that has spilled over into the church, and there is a questioning of church authority. The protestors claim to know all the answers, but they are not willing to take any of the responsibility. Some groups would use the church as a tool to accomplish social or political purposes. They have forgotten, or they never knew, that the purpose of the church is to proclaim the kingdom of God. And really that is the only solution to the problems of this tired old world.