
Evangelism "EXPLO" in India

NINETEEN hundred and seventy was the year when Seventh-day Adventist attention was riveted on Atlantic City and the General Conference. Many leading men in this division had to drop their work and for two or three months attend the world conference. However the great majority of men who made the glowing General Conference baptismal reports possible labored on. . .

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One Thousand Buddhists Hear the Message

TWO years ago plans were made to conduct an effort in Myaungmya. When U. Kyaw Din, who was assigned to lead out in these meetings, approached the authorities for permission to hold a public effort it was denied. . .

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MISSION '72 "On the Job" Training

"The work of God in this earth can never be finished . . ." This would be a shocking and, if it were to stop here, a most discouraging statement. Thank God the message goes on to say: ". . . until the men and women comprising our church member ship rally to the work, and unite their efforts with those of ministers and church officers." Gospel Workers, p. 352.

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One of the Greatest Means for Evangelism

WE WHO are interested in evangelism, eagerly grasp statements from the Spirit of Prophecy writings that identify certain avenues of endeavor as being efficient in be half of soul winning. When such a statement indicates that this is one of the great est means, surely we should proclaim it from the housetops!

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Men of the Century

NINETEEN HUNDRED AND SEVENTY was a great year for soul winning! Two hundred and twenty-eight men each baptized between 90 and 150 persons. Fifty-six men baptized between 151 and 250 persons; twelve baptized between 251 and 350; and five exceeded the 350 mark. Two of these men were from the South American Division, and one each from the Far Eastern, Afro-Mideast, and North American divisions. . .

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Getting Decisions in the Home

OUR program of evangelism is different. We don't preach, sing, or make altar calls. We conduct health and Bible classes. We get decisions in the home. . .

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Total Evangelism

THE last words of Jesus just before He ascended to heaven should constantly ring in our ears: "You shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you shall be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judaea and Samaria and to the remotest parts of the earth" (Acts 1:8)

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Is Just Sowing the Seed Enough?

I HAVE sat in workers' meetings where one after another would rise and supposedly quote from the pen of Mrs. White, "Just sow the seed and God will give the harvest." As a young man just beginning the ministry I sat there believing. But since those early years I have found that the Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy not only press upon the human heart the need for the sowing of the seed, but also the added responsibility of reaping the harvest. . .

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Intellectual Honesty

TODAY we are part of a very sophisticated, well-informed world. Even the so-called uneducated man has at his finger tips a tremendous range of facts. It is therefore most important that we as ministers aim for accuracy in our presentations. The time is rap idly passing when we can excuse our mistakes by saying, "No one in the audience will know whether I am right or wrong." The text that follows suggests a few common errors sometimes perpetuated by the clergy. . .

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Creation, the Genesis Flood, and the Three Angels' Messages

THE three angels' messages of Revelation 14 are considered to be the last great warnings for our world. They began to sound in the 1830's and 1840's. William Miller brought to the attention of much of the Western world the prospect of the Lord's soon return. . .

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