Take a Look at Yourself: What Kind of Spirit Do You Have?
WHAT is the source of my spirit. Is it good or evil?
Pastoral Care of The Aged
NEVER before has the United States had so many elderly citizens who are "too old to work and too young to die." Caring for their spiritual needs constitutes an important and rewarding aspect of the pastoral ministry. . .
Just Doing It For Jesus
YOUNG Seminarian Bill Wright and the elderly lady Bible worker had a list of five hundred persons to visit. Their only transportation was on foot, and the rolling hills of Montego Bay, Jamaica, made every step an effort. In each home they visited they talked of the previous night's meeting. Frequently the people would reply to their questions regarding the best part of the program with, "The sermons, the sermons." And as the two workers left, the seminarian would often overhear the Bible instructor softly say, "Just doing it for Jesus. I'm just doing it for Jesus."
Evening Classes in Revelation: A New Evangelistic Approach
EVERY Adventist minister knows that "when the books of Daniel and Revelation are better understood, believers will have an entirely different religious experience." 1 Would the same be true of those who are not believers?
How to Save Time in the Ministry (Conclusion)
A FAMOUS coast-to-coast chain of burger drive-ins sends new managers to a special training school to learn the art of preparing burgers. Classes include: Hamburgerology 202, Pickles and Onions 302-3, Don't Spare the Mustard 101A, and Catsup 102. . .
Sacred or Secular?
THE Bible teaches clearly that there is a distinction or difference between the sacred and the secular. Many examples might be cited, but a few will illustrate our statement: the days of the week and the Sabbath, Exodus 20:8-11; 31:14, 15; 35:2; the garments of the priest, Exodus 29:29; the tabernacle, Exodus 40:9, 10; the house of God, Psalm 93:5; 11:4; Habakkuk 2:20. There are certain things that God has declared to be holy, and we are instructed to recognize this distinction in our attitudes and our relation to these things. . .
How Old Are The Rocks?
Can one believe these radioisotope ages? The answer is a firm Yes. . .
Peace of Mind and the Latter Rain Conclusion
MAN'S obsession for peace characterizes society. Never be fore has the prophecy "When they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them"1 had such impact upon those willing to consider its implications. More significant than political talks and efforts for world harmony, however, is the impulsive search for inner serenity. . .
Our Historic Faith and Contemporary Conflict (Part 1)
IT IS clear, beyond all question, that the early church was sure that our redemption is based on a historical fact an act that took place, once for all, at a definite time in the history of the world. Today again, especially in view of certain developments in modern theological thinking, it should be emphasized that the Christian religion, both in its background and in its development, is definitely historical. . .
Making Your Sermons Live
A GREAT hazard in preaching is that the one to deliver the message may become self-sufficient, feeling that once the sermon is prepared he can relax in the assurance that it will accomplish its purpose. The sermon may be well developed with a proper outline, illustrations, and content, but to assume that because of these factors it will arrest the attention and meet the needs of the people is a tragic misconception. . .