The Lamb is the Hinge
The Old Testament stands like a half hinge until the succeeding Testament is added. Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God, holds the two together.
Sanctification and the final judgment
How is one to reconcile a judgment based on works with the New Testament emphasis on salvation by grace, apart from works?
President's Page
The two indispensable tools in the leader's kit which pour the balm of Gilead upon wounded hearts.
Science and Religion
The missing link is missing still. Can the hominid fossils of East Africa be fitted into a literal Genesis?
Health and Religion
Fat and foods: a nutrition friend or foe? 10-20-30-40-50 percent? The proper amount of fat in the human diet is an important issue.
Biblical Archeology
The Ebla Tablets. What began as a dig into a supposed Arab citadel may end up to be the archeological find of the century!