When patriots persecute
Psychological experiments at Yale University indicate that your next-door neighbor or mailman (or even you) could be a potential persecutor!
Why Adventists don't join the WCC
The reason is not a desire to perpetuate the scandal of a divided Christendom. Part II.
Preacher's progress
Should we express disapproval of "living together arrangements," and if so, how should we do it?
Day of atonement—fulfillment and consummation
Scholars have long recognized that the most solemn of Israel's ceremonial days casts its shadow to the very end of time.
Retire if you must, but keep on living!
"Merely to sit and rest, dreaming only of past glories, is to invite a progressive paralysis that will eventually destroy."
All Israel will be saved
Paul said it, but what did he mean? A careful examination of his attitude toward circumcision sheds light.
Have you left your wife?
From the March, 1977, Christian Leadership Letter, edited by Ted W. Engstrom and Ed Dayton. Copyright 1977 by World Mission International. Used by permission.
From the Editor
The Cult Craze and the Nature of Man. What is missing in the current practice of Christianity to cause bizarre groups to flourish?
Biblical Archeology
Ahab and the Battle at Qarqar. History and archeology team up to bring to light an incident not discussed in the Bible.
Science and Religion
A Physicist Believes. It is actually easier, says the author, for a scientist to believe the Bible than for a nonscientist.