What do you do when a church gets sick?
House calls by doctors may be a thing of the past, but for pastors they are a part of his healing ministry.
The Disciples Prayer
Better known as the Lord's Prayer, the familiar words take on a new significance when viewed as a prayer belonging to His disciples.
Reflections on a leader
He handled an embarrassing situation so adroitly that the passengers were not irritated, but impressed.
Why then the law?
There is a close relationship between law and grace, and the understanding of this relationship is vital to a true appreciation of the gospel.
Knowing nothing but Christ
This article originally appeared under the title, "Christ the Minister's Theme" in the March 24, 1896 Review and Herald. The eighty-three years that have passed since then have not made the emphasis of this appeal outmoded in the least degree. We still need to be reminded of the importance of knowing nothing but Christ——The Editors.
Getting more from your organ than music
A creative use of the organ can make a vital contribution to the spirituality of worship.
The Three Angels of the Apocalypse
According to Revelation 14, all those who do not "follow the Lamb" will eventually find themselves worshiping the beast.
Water of Life
This precious fluid is essential for every form of life, and throughout the Bible, it is the inseparable companion of life and beauty.
HIgh-Level Wellness
Wellness is more than the absence of sickness. A well human being is a dynamic and growing person, developing toward his full potential.