The Third Angel's Message in Verity
Eric C. Webster uses Ellen White's statement that the third angel's message in verity is righteousness by faith as a springboard to examine various aspects of the message in light of the current emphasis on Christ and His righteousness.
Give Thyself unto Reading
If the apostle Paul considered books an important part of his life, should not we take advantage of this inexhaustible source of information and inspiration?
The misunderstanding of the church
The misunderstanding is serious and costly, but not incurable; the remedy may best be accomplished by identifying and then living out the possibilities of the church as a fellowship, a community of faith and the Spirit.
Not self but souls
We have no time for fretting over ourselves, no time to look on the dark side. There are souls to be saved. We must live in Christ and Christ must live in us, else we shall preach and labor in vain.
Arise & Evangelize
The church is in real danger of becoming so occupied with keeping its organizational mechanism moving that it has energy left for nothing else. We must direct our energies to the true business of the church evangelism.
As others see us
A bit of doggerel on a bulletin board implies that our public image as Seventh-day Adventists does not match the message we have been commissioned to give the world. People should see the beauty of Christ's character in us.
THe Power of Preaching
The power of the Word that spoke creation into existence flashes forth from the pulpit when the congregation hears the voice of God Himself speaking through His ambassador.
Imminence: Mainspring of Adventism—3
In this last of a series of three articles, W. B. Quigley examines the reasons for the delayed Advent and the ways in which the church can hasten the coming of the Lord.
Apollos, Paul, or Christ?
No Adventist pastor can afford to allow another human being to do his thinking for him or to command his ultimate allegiance.