It's time to do less for your church members
The idea certainly sounds appealing, but you ought to be warned that it will wipe out one of our favorite pastoral activities——making plans for other people. The result could be a radical revision of your, concept of what it means to be a pastor.
What Jesus said about sanctification
Both Jesus' words and His actions demonstrated that the natural, spontaneous fruit of faith is genuine obedience and victory in the Christian life. But this is a work that we can no more do for ourselves than we can save ourselves.
After the funeral
The needs of those who have lost someone close in death do not come to an end at the cemetery. Indeed, the days and weeks immediately following the funeral may be the most precious opportunities for ministry to these grieving members of our flocks. If we would truly be shepherds to them, we cannot let these moments slip through our fingers.
Is the secret rapture the blessed hope?
Dividing Christ's second coming into two events—a secret rapture followed seven years later by His glorious appearing to destroy the antichrist—is a concept that seems to have no Biblical support.
Made in the image of God
In part 6 of This We Believe, Neils-Erik Andreasen takes us back to Creation week in an attempt to understand the nature of man.
A more exalted ministry
Ellen G. White points out the importance of talking Christ, praying Christ, preaching Christ.
Divine rest for human restlessness
The Sabbath expresses God's best news to the human family: the news that He has created us perfectly, that He has redeemed us completely, that He loves us immensely, and that He will restore us ultimately.
Annual Council—excitement & boredom
Crossing t's and dotting i's alternate at the church's yearly planning session with bold commitments to a comprehensive program of continuing education for ministers and absolute priority for evangelism.
Update on Ebla
The clay tablets in Ebla's archives have been hailed as "one of this century's most important archeological discoveries." Now two recent publications give the English-speaking world its first detailed look.