
Discipline yourself

To many, discipline has negative connotations. But your self-discipline will benefit yourself, your family, and your church.

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Must I shepherd all the flock?

When was the first time you received a pastoral visit? Do you ignore some members because they are harder to visit?

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Is the hell of the Bible unending?

Traditionally, most of Christianity has believed in an unending hell. But does the Bible really support such a teaching?

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Recognizing and handling burnout

How can you recognize burnout and differentiate it from other physical and psychological problems? And what can you do about it?

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Christian education: too much of a good thing?

How safe are our children within the fortress of Christian education? Are they learning to exercise their faith, or only their minds?

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Are you shy?

The pastor's wife is typically expected to be warm, bubbly, and outgoing. But what if she is naturally shy? What are the roots of shyness, and how can a shy person have an effective ministry?

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Christian Pomp

What would the public think of Christianity if all the skeletons in the personal and corporate closets were dragged out?

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Bulimics and anorexics-Children of fear and anger

On Health and Religion. This article is provided by the Health and Temperance Department of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists.

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