
Strength to live or die

The problem, though, is not death. The problem is not even life. The problem is how to face the extremities of life or death. It is how to help others (our parishioners, for example,) look at life or death and not be overwhelmed by the impossibility or the horror of it all. It is to find a balance between anguish and serenity when perils of life or the certainty of death come knocking at our doors.

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"Please get help!"

Professional counseling can help clergy find relief from much of the emotional baggage that burdens their relationships and threatens their effectiveness.

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I used to be a pastor

I used to be a pastor. My separation from the ministry is so recent that it doesn't seem real to me yet. It's like when someone close to you dies; often the denial phase continues long after the reality of the funeral. But it's true, and I must learn to accept it. I used to be a pastor.

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Advocacy evangelism

The best we can do is be on people's side and let them discover for themselves the power of the gospel in human lives.

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The gospel and global mission

Everyone yearns for a world of exuberant, joyful peace. And that, according to Scripture, is exactly what God intends to establish.

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Must our church members give a second tithe?

Is there any biblical evidence to a second tithe?

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The Book of Members

A timeless message from a timeless document: each is different from the other, but all a part of one body for His glory.

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Pastor or CEO?

How do you shift styles when you pastor a super church?

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Being your pastor's friend

We all recognize that our pastors need people who will accept them and enjoy them as they are, without either awe or arrogance in short, friends. And most of us would like to be friends with our pastors. But what exactly does it take to be their friend?

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