The axiom is accurate! One thing you can depend upon is that things will change. Currently our Ministerial Association is under going quite a change of personnel which couples the pain of saying fare well with the joy of welcoming new team members.
I wish to acknowledge the contributions of those who are departing and introduce you to our newest staff recently elected at the General Conference session in Utrecht.
Jim Zachary, associate secretary, has officially retired even though he will continue one project through next June. Jim and Jeanne's many years of team ministry have included pastoring, teaching, preaching, field training, re source development and departmental leadership at every level. In these activities Jim has always focused first priority on evangelism. Through his final project, developing evangelistic picture rolls, his influence will continue until Jesus returns.
My friendship with departing Ministry editor, David Newman, goes back to 1972 when he and I worked together one summer in Glascow. We again worked together in the early 1980s in the Ohio Conference during a time of dynamic organizational experimentation and for the last three years here at the Ministerial Association. David has always challenged my thinking and encouraged all who associate with him toward excellence.
Associate editor, John Fowler, has been elected as associate director of the General Conference Department of Education. Although this move signals a career advancement which combines John's expertise in education, management, editing, and supervision with his worldview of the church, I will miss the day-to-day interaction with a quiet man whom I have come to love as a brother and respect as a theologian and spiritual leader.
Martin Weber has begun a new assignment just a few miles away as senior pastor of the New Hope church, a growing congregation with a newly developed and dynamic traditional worship service as well as an exciting contemporary service for seekers and young adults. Because of close proximity, our staff will still enjoy Martin's involvement in special projects and as editor at large. You will hear more about New Hope.
Walter Pearson, who has been elect ed associate secretary for Church Growth and Evangelism, came to the General Conference in 1993 from nearly a decade as senior pastor of the Berean church, Atlanta. His strong preaching and leadership skills, Coupled with a real-world understanding of the dynamics of church growth, have earned Walter the respect of his col leagues among multi-denominational and civic leaders. In addition to warm friendship, Walter and Sandra, who serves as a human resource specialist, offer clear insights into the challenges that pastoral families face.
Wilmore Eva, who has been elect ed associate secretary for Ministry, comes to this editorial task from five years as senior pastor of the Kettering, Ohio, church. Will and Claire, a teacher and educational curriculum developer, previously Wilmore Eva pastored clergy families in the Potomac Conference and Columbia Union where Will co-ventured the publishing of Praxis, a journal of pastoral excellence, and instituted an aggressive growth strategy by recruiting a strong training team and encouraging pastors everywhere to try evangelism for themselves.