Reflections of a theologian: Raoul Dederen on theology, the church, and life
An Adventist theologian shares his reflections on the Scriptures, life, and several decades of distinguished training of thousands of ministers.
The ministry of teaching in the congregation
The Great Commission is more than just a command. It also provides a model for religious instruction in the church.
Nothing leadership
Jesus set the perfect example of "downward mobility." How can today's pastors follow in His footsteps?
Reflecting on issues of ethics in church discipline
Six lessons, drawn from 1 Corinthians, that assist the pastor in addressing conflicts that could split the local congregation.
Your leadership toolbox
Is leadership about power and authority, or is it more about building relationships and accomplishing a mission?
Paul's counsel to a discouraged pastor
What pastor hasn't felt discouraged and abandoned while serving the congregation? There is good news: you're not in the journey all by yourself!
The great cost of refusing to change
If you believe that your church can't live without you, then you have to read this article.
The role of the Ten Commandments in public life
In the light of recent public interest in the Ten Commandments, the Seventh-day Adventist Church has again reaffirmed the centrality of the Law for the twenty-first century.