Zacchaeus: A man with many connections
Pastors may find some individuals with multiple problems or hindrances like Zacchaeus. But, don't lose hope! God will guide in your attempts to reach them. Many have explored the Zacchaeus story (Luke 19:1-10) from the perspective of its relation to other passages in Luke. Some have related it to the stories about the rich ruler (18:18-24), the healing of the blind man (18:35-43), the daughter of Abraham (13:16), and the paralytic (5:18-26). Others relate it not only with...
Saving righteousness
Praise God for the biblical passages revealing His righteousness-fully, freely consistently, persuasively. God's righteousness, revealed in Jesus and received by faith, can be ours forever.
Should we observe the Levitical festivals?: A Seventh-day Adventist perspective (Part 2 of 2)
In part one of this series, the arguments for celebrating the Levitical festivals of the Old Testament were discussed. Now, the author presents a possible and proper approach toward these festivals.
When the "the mark of the beast" was a biochip!
The mark of the beast is about relationship, faith, love, and obedience.
Sharing the hope again: Discussing the North American Division evangelism initiative
Evangelism is not merely a one-year endeavor, not a single all-out effort to reach more people for Christ. No, it must be the all consuming mission of the disciples of Christ to "save a perishing world."