It still works: Why public evangelism remains essential to the church’s witness
For successful public evangelism, the author recommends seven methods.
Spirituality and evangelism: How personal spirituality is related to successful witnessing and evangelism
Is it possible to know a lot about God because you have read and memorized Scripture, but not really know Him in the sense of enjoying a personal, saving connectedness with Him?
When your ministry gets in the way of your marriage and family
Read some practical solutions that may help you relate to your home and church—putting home first.
Insights from growing churches in North America
This article attempts to outline some of the challenges the Adventist Church in the North American Division faces today.
The Good News is For Everyone
Learning how to present the good news of Christ as Savior should be considered the most important part of witnessing.
Preparing your local church to fulfill the Great commission
This article considers the responsibility of sharing the gospel in terms of the three E’s of accomplishment: Efficiency, Empowerment, and Execution.
Spiritual Simplicity: Doing Less, Loving More
This book would make an excellent resource for a small-group ministry.
Leadership by wisdom and example
“Self is the greatest enemy of the preacher, more so than in the case of any other man in society.”