Longing for His appearing
This article deals with the time element as related to the Second Coming and the establishment of God’s kingdom.
Final Breakthroughs for Mission
Because we are in the last great crisis of this earth’s history, the author asks, “Will we listen to the warnings and appeals of our loving God and grasp the opportunity to be a part of the final breakthroughs before Jesus comes?”
Focus on Christ, not the crisis: A discussion on endtime events
This article unfolds different aspects of the end-time crisis and points the way to survive it
Living in expectation of the second coming of Jesus
“How does one’s understanding of eschatology impact daily living?” asks the author. And how can a pastor help parishioners hasten the day that they long for?
“Going home”: Good news from the second angel
The second angel’s message has not often been delivered as a relevant message for us but rather as one needing to be delivered to others.
Preparing the world for the coming of Christ
How do we reach people from all walks of life and cultures with the gospel message?
The last generation: How the Advent hope defines us
The author asks, “Could Jesus return today?” and hopes to be among the last generation when Jesus returns!
Preaching the Second Coming
Those who attend our churches need to be reminded that Jesus is coming again and that His coming is both sure and imminent.