Here We Stand: Luther, the Reformation, and Seventh-day Adventism
An impressive volume that thoughtfully reviews Seventh-day Adventist teachings in light of of Luther and the Reformation.
Reformation principles for an end-time ministry
Twelve revolutionary principles of Martin Luther took center stage—then. Examining current pastoral practices, to what extent can we still call ourselves heirs of the Reformation—now?
Another look at the three angels’ messages
Luther received the baton of righteousness by faith, then passed it on. The final runners are carrying it to the finish line. It’s called the three angels’ messages. It’s the everlasting gospel.
Prayer and finishing the mission
A persistent and consistent prayer life propelled the gospel during the Protestant Reformation. A look at our prayer life today begs the question—is the protest over?
The priesthood of believers: Our proclamation and practice
All agree that pastors and church members should work together. Luther revived the doctrine of the priesthood of all believers—is the doctrine now on life support?
95 theses on righteousness by faith (apologies to Martin Luther)
A beloved university pastor once penned his version of the Ninety-Five Theses, based on justification by faith. Should these "95 theses" be fastened to the door of our hearts?
The ancient Waldenses: Did the Reformation predate Luther? 1
Many recognize there were reformers before Luther; few know about the Waldenses. Here is the fascinating history of the sacrificial contribution of the Waldenses—from one who knows.
The pastor’s guide to Martin Luther and the Reformation
How can a pastor begin to appreciate the life and writings of Martin Luther?