The sermon: Is it still central to worship?
The author urges a sermonic approach consistent with our Protestant heritage and biblical doctrines.
Communication: The rhetorical situation and preaching event
Effective preaching must touch the specific context of the local congregation. Read how.
Lessons in preaching from Harry Emerson Fosdick
An old dog can, in fact, learn new tricks. Discover 12 different ways you can revamp your preaching.
Hermeneutical principles of early Adventists and their influence on Adventist theology
The author examines how early Adventists evaluated biblical ideas.
Preaching to the “spirits in prison”: A study on 1 Peter 3:18–22
Who is Peter referring to when, in 1 Peter 3, he mentions “spirits in prison”? Read for insight, pray for wisdom.
Justice and mercy: God’s forgiveness of David
Feeling misunderstood when preaching about God's grace? This may be a sign that you're on the right track.
The end of “one size fits all”: Cultural influences in church giving
Practical pointers on church giving.