Igor Lorencin, PhD, is a lecturer of New Testament Studies at Friedensau Adventist University, Friedensau, Germany.

Webster’s Dictionary defines a conspiracy theory as “a theory that explains an event or set of circumstances as the result of a secret plot by usually powerful conspirators.”1 These theories promote some secret knowledge; tend to blind people with half-truths, that is, unconfirmed information that no one can prove; and lead one to look for someone else to blame.

Should a Christian use or advocate conspiracy theories, half-truths, or unconfirmed information? The Christian has no other mandate except to believe in and preach Jesus Christ, for “there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved” (Acts 4:12).2 The Bible is the ultimate authority for Christian faith and life.

Conspiracies in the Bible

The Bible often speaks of conspiracies, mainly with the meaning of secret plotting. In these conspiracies, God often makes them work together for good, when it comes to His people. Joseph was sold into slavery, but God made him a top Egyptian leader who helped preserve the identity of Israel. God turned Saul, who conspired to persecute Christians, into His greatest missionary. Pharisees conspired to end the life of Jesus on the cross, but God turned the cross of shame into an instrument of victory over sin.

God has trampled every conspiracy from Eden to our own times. God is ever the Victor and promises victory to all who believe in Him and come to Him. “This is the victory that has overcome the world—our faith” (1 John 5:4). Thus, when we compare conspiracy theories with what the Bible presents, we can conclude that conspiracy theories have the exact opposite agenda from the Bible.

Today’s conspiracies

Some see a conspiracy in unusual places. I have been asked, rather seriously, two questions: Are vaccines conspiracies? Do they have something to do with the mark of the beast? To answer the first, we know that vaccines have saved many lives in our times. Regarding the second, we know that the mark of the beast stands in opposition to the seal of God. The mark identifies one’s spiritual allegiance to the antichrist beast power and the seal signifies allegiance and loyalty to Jesus, the Lamb of God who was slain for our sins.

What is the distinguishing characteristic of those who receive the mark of the beast? According to the Bible, it is not a vaccine, a chip, or a bar code but people thinking and acting in subversive and oppressive ways. They unite with the beast, pay allegiance to him, and join forces to spread evil and malign the great name and accomplishments of Christ. Thus, they are in league with Satan. “You are of your father the devil, and the desires of your father you want to do” (John 8:44).

On the other hand, what are the distinguishing marks of those who are on God’s side? They are in a saving relationship with Jesus and live according to His testimonies.3 Of them, the final testimony of earth’s history will be proclaimed: “They overcame him [Satan] by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death” (Rev. 12:11).

The book of Revelation reveals the heavenly Jesus who comes at the end to gather His people to spend eternity with Him (Rev. 22:20). His people are not saved through some special, secret knowledge related to conspiracies but through the saving act of Jesus Christ alone. A living relationship with Jesus is the best protection from a world filled with all kinds of conspiracies, fake news, and evil workings. God calls His end-time people to be connected to Jesus and remain faithful. Nothing else matters.

Igor Lorencin, PhD, is a lecturer of New Testament Studies at Friedensau Adventist University, Friedensau, Germany.

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