New media facility shares message of hope

Silang, Cavite, Philippines

On November 8, 2022, the Southern Asia-Pacific Division (SSD) Media Center officially opened at the regional church campus in Silang, Cavite, Philippines. Church leaders said they expect the new center will produce online resources and content for distribution and broadcast to a broader public.

“This new facility will produce content intended to introduce Jesus and His character to its [target audiences],” said former SSD Communication director Mamerto Guingguing II, now elected SSD associate executive secretary. “It is designed to cater to video, audio, and social media requirements.”

SSD digital evangelism specialist Anthony Stanyer said he sees tremendous prospects in leveraging this medium to give the internet community a completely new watching experience for Christian programming. He emphasized the duty that God has placed in our hands to use this platform to share Jesus with all of the region’s nations, tribes, and resident groups.

“The Bible has all the answers to all their questions; we will have it available to them through this medium,” SSD president Roger Caderma said.

In a special message, Seventh-day Adventist General Conference executive secretary Erton Köhler thanked God for His guidance and providence throughout the process of building the new facility.

“This is the time when we need more facilities that will produce content for mission,” Köhler said. “This generation can be reached through this avenue, so let us utilize every means available to share the message of hope with the world.” [Edward Rodriguez, Southern Asia-Pacific Division and Adventist Review]

Organization honors Adventist women leaders

Loma Linda, California, United States

The Association of Adventist Women (AAW) honored six women from around the world as Women of the Year at its 40th annual awards banquet in Loma Linda, California, United States, on October 8, 2022. One man was awarded a Champion of Justice award.

Among the recipients was Nandi Fleming, a Seventh-day Adventist pastor in South Africa, who received the Woman of the Year for Church Life award. During the COVID-19 pandemic, her pastoral counseling practice was closed, so she wrote and recorded Christian mental health podcasts called NCSA [Northern Conference of South Africa] Mental Health Devotions that helped fill the need for a Jesus-centered approach to well-being. The podcasts have since been published in book form and on video. Fleming has facilitated an online space for encouragement and support for female pastors worldwide.

Another recipient was Carmela Monk Crawford, a pastor’s daughter and the first woman and the first lay member to serve as the editor of Message magazine in its 120-year history. She was awarded the Woman of the Year award for Outstanding Achievement. In her law practice, Monk Crawford advocated for children and families caught in destructive cycles of abuse and neglect. Striving to make Message relevant, she has highlighted how people can work to make God’s kingdom come on Earth as it is in heaven. Armed with compelling stories of police abuse, human trafficking, domestic violence, and social justice, she has sought to change the conversation in communities and in the Seventh-day Adventist denomination.

Included in the honors was Loma Linda University Church’s senior pastor, Randy Roberts, awarded the AAW Champion of Justice for his dedication to sharing stories of God’s Spirit working through women in ministry both in the Bible and in current women pastors. A dedicated church leader, author, and pastor, Roberts also serves as vice president for Spiritual Life and Mission for Loma Linda University Health.

AAW is an independent supporting organization, striving to advocate for the participation of women in all leadership roles in Seventh-day Adventist organizations, congregations, and communities around the world. [Priscilla Walters, AAW and Adventist Review]

Baptism of a centenarian

Ampahana, Antalaha, Madagascar

It is never too late for one to accept Jesus Christ as personal Savior. As part of the church’s strategic plan “I Will Go,” pastors and church members in the Indian Ocean Union Conference, a union in the Southern Africa-Indian Ocean Division, are reaching out to their families, neighbors, and communities, sharing the love and the good news of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

For decades, a woman from the rural community of Ampahana, Antalaha, in the northern part of Madagascar, had been practicing witchcraft. Mrs. Makoa, as she is called, was greatly feared by the community because of the evil she was participating in.

A young woman called Soatiana, passionate about evangelism, decided to study the Bible with her grandmother, Mrs. Makoa. Now a 100-year-old great-grandmother, Mrs. Makoa gave her life to Jesus.

Unable to walk anymore because of her age, this did not deter her desire to enter the baptismal waters. Just like the story of the healing of the paralytic man in Capernaum by Jesus, the church members did the same by carrying her into the river. [Rado Rakotonandrasana and Noel Sibanda]

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