S. L. Folkenberg
S. L. Folkenberg is stewardship and development secretary for the Euro-Africa Division
Use of Black Light in Evangelism
About three years ago when I first began experimenting with this novel aid to evangelism, it was with a conviction that the Lord was leading me into something new and unusual. With the excellent direction found in the book Evangelism for my guide, I entered into extended experiments in the field of black light.
PASTOR: Lay Evangelism in the local Church
"In order to preach this gospel in all the world, we are going to have to harness the great body of laymen who comprise the church, and put them to work for Christ."
"All Together Now--Push"
IT REALLY was a beautiful car, but it had a very frustrating habit. It would not start-well, once in a while it would catch, cough, and sputter for a short distance. The family was large, and they were more than busy checking, studying, analyzing---then someone would say, "All together now---PUSH." Others were invited to help, as if it was some sort of privilege to help push a nice new car. . .