G. D. Keough
Bible Teacher, Newbold Missionary College, England
Will Europe Unite?
Of all the Bible prophecies, there is none more simple and clear than that of the second chapter of Daniel.
The Sinlessness of the Sin Bearer
The testimony of the Scriptures to the sinlessness of the Man Jesus, who came "in the likeness of sinful flesh" to save sinners, is clear and full.
The Priesthood of Jesus
The death of Jesus alone could have made possible the forgiveness of sin that allowed the human race to live; and His mediation alone could have have enabled Enoch to walk with God on earth and be received up into glory more than three thousand years before the events of Calvary (chap. 7:25).
God's Power to Pardon and Forgive
God's power to pardon and forget the sins of the redeemed is all the more remarkable because He assures us that He never can forget His people.
The Cleansing of the Sanctuary
This unsolicited article from a veteran Bible teacher will provoke thought on a subject of interest to our readers. We print it in the interest of objective study in an area that is at once both vital and, in the hands of the immature student, dangerous. It is therefore to be studied with care and reverence.
Divine Forgiveness
Elder G. D. Keough spent many years in the Middle East and in this article reveals the Mohammedan's concept of God's attribute of forgiveness.
The Sanctuary
THE ordinances of the sanctuary were given to Israel because transgression and the worship of idols had so perverted their concept of God that they no longer saw the sinfulness of sin. They had become like the idols they worshiped (Eze. 20:5-8; Ps. 135:18). Till the Seed should come (Gal. 3:19), who would fully reveal the Father (John 1:18), there was need of a new revelation of God. This God gave them in the sanctuary. . .