I have intentionally and earnestly recommitted myself to pursuing a more active and focused prayer life this year. Often I have prayed in generalities; but I wish to be more specific in asking God for certain things.

Recently I have been perplexed about a number of things; and I haven’t exactly known what it is I want God to do about them. What if He doesn’t answer my prayers in the way I want Him to? Will I know it’s His voice speaking to me? Or am I hearing what I want to hear?

A few days ago, God said something to me that was both simple and profound: “Just pray for Me to overturn human plans and establish My plans.” With that one statement what God was also saying to me was “Just pray for me to overturn your plans and establish My own plans.”

It is my nature to want what I think is best for me; so I occasionally find it hard to really pray for God’s will to be done in every circumstance. I find it even harder to submit. Yet the words of the Holy Spirit brought assurance and comfort to my soul unlike I had recently experienced. All I have to do is release every fear and concern of mine—giving it to Jesus. And He will fulfill His will all around me. And inside me, too.