Gerald F. Colvin

Assistant Professor, Department of Education Union College

Improving Family Living

WHEN we tear away all the family rhetoric, when we dispense with all the verbiage of marriage exhortations, in essence the purpose of the family is not only to encourage but to enable the members of such a unit to grasp a fuller individuality, a more abundant opportunity to think and to do. This then must be our starting point! Take the finger of your mind and lay it against the throbbing anticipation of all parents and children for such fulfillment. . .

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My Testimony

I HAVE fully resigned myself to nothing because I have been nothing, because I have made nothing, and because I shall be nothing. Past struggles have proved me incapable of wresting aside the hands of fate. Those transformations that I would have wrought in those about me have not appeared. Thus, on every side life has shown herself my master. I could not turn the course of history in my environment. . .

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