Many and varied are the services of the church in which the Bible worker is called upon to assist, but whether her duties in this line are many or few, the Bible worker needs to be thoroughly informed on the principles of church organization and the respective duties of church officers, in order to be able to give counsel on any question which may arise. The church clerk often finds perplexing problems, and appeals to the Bible -worker as to how to do this or that.
We know that " every church should be a training school for workers," and this being the case, Bible training classes become a part of the church work, and the Bible worker should consider it a part of her work to assist or to take charge of such training classes, when requested to do so. The privilege of training workers for field service is by no means secondary to the privilege of serving the church in any official capacity. Missionary campaigns are also inseparably connected with the church work, and the Bible worker should always be dependable in both theory and practice for the success of this endeavor.
In addition to the general lines of church work as indicated, there are the specific services of the church where the Bible worker finds opportunity for enlarged service. Take for instance, the prayer meeting. There is nothing that we should regard as more important than being present at the weekly prayer meeting, and being there on time. Never allow an appointment, or anything else, to prevent attending the prayer meeting. Be ready to take part in prayer and testimony. If the meeting seems to lag, be sure to " speak a word in season " for the encouragement of those who are present. Perhaps there is no better way than to speak of the day's experiences in contact with souls investigating truth, and ask for united prayer on your efforts. The weekly prayer service should prove a great spiritual uplift to church members and Bible workers through heart-to-heart contact at the throne of grace.
Then there is the Sabbath school. I cannot conceive of a successful Bible worker who misses Sabbath school, or who comes in late. No Bible worker should fail in having a perfect record as to lesson study, attendance, and punctuality. We should be leaders in this respect. We cannot consistently encourage new believers to study the Bible and Sabbath school lesson every day unless we do so ourselves. From the time our readers receive their first Quarterly and keen their first Sabbath, they should be taught to study the Sabbath school lesson every day. This can become an established habit before joining the church. Some of my readers have had a perfect Sabbath school record for nine months before they had opportunity to be baptized. The Bible worker should build up the home division of the Sabbath school, by explaining the plan and inviting readers to join, long before they are ready to join the church. The home division plan helps to hasten and assure full church membership. From these people in the home division of the Sabbath school we receive liberal offerings for the benefit of the Sabbath school enterprises.
As to whether or not the Bible worker should teach a class in the Sabbath school, there is some difference of opinion, and of course all depends upon circumstances. I believe it is a good plan for the Bible worker to have a Sabbath school class made up of new believers or those who are becoming interested. In such a class the teaching should be somewhat different from that usually followed, in that the people should not be embarrassed by being asked to answer all the questions, but the teacher who understands their state of mind can gently lead them in the study of the lesson. In some large churches the plan is to have a visitors' class, in which new believers are received, and it may seem best for the teacher of this class to be the Sabbath school superintendent, or an officer of tact and wisdom, leaving the Bible worker free to be on the lookout for her readers as they make their appearance in the church, and after a personal welcome, conduct them to the visitors' class and introduce them to the teacher.
There should ever be closest cooperation between the Sabbath school superintendent and the Bible worker. It is rarely wise for the Bible worker to hold office in either church or Sabbath school. The Bible worker is a trainer, and her mission is to train and encourage people in conducting church offices, so that they will be able to strengthen the church organization and develop a more ideal church home into which to bring those without the fold.
Celia T. Mcalister.