Around the World Circle

Association news from around the world church.

By various authors. 

The Far East.—Prof. Frederick Griggs expresses deep interest and ap­preciation of the Ministerial Interne-ship Plan now operating in the con­ferences of North America, rejoices that this plan is now placed on a permanent basis, and predicts that "it will do much toward bringing our young people into the work." He re­fers to an advance move in the Far East, in which the Ministerial Asso­ciation, in conjunction with the Fire­side Correspondence School, sponsors a five-year educational course for evangelists and workers. Concerning this course, Professor Griggs writes as follows:

"The plan is to educate our native workers to the place where they can take responsibility and carry it suc­cessfully. We are endeavoring to get all our union superintendents and local mission directors interested, as well as the workers themselves. We have sent each superintendent and director a book containing a 'Record of Scholarship' blank for each worker in his field. As fast as workers complete subjects, a credit card will be sent through the Fireside Correspondence School at Shanghai, to us. This we will record in our book, copy, and send to the superintendent of the union, who will record it and send to the local mission where the worker is lo­cated. He will record it and forward it to the worker. We have a number of workers already enrolled."

The copy of the "Record of Scholar­ship" blank, and also of the Credit Certification blank, as appear hereafter, indicate that this advance and very important feature of Ministerial Asso­ciation endeavor along educational lines, starts forth on a well-organized and solid basis.

Northern European Division.—Elder J. H. Schilling writes of a resolution passed at the division council of recent date, which reads as follows:

"Voted, That we approve of the plan for the education of our workers offered by the Fireside Correspondence School, and that we urge our workers wherever possible to take one or more of these courses each year; and fur­ther,

"That we request the Ministerial Association to take up the work of pro­moting the interests of the Fireside Correspondence School."

Elder Schilling states: "You will observe, therefore, that the work of promoting the interests of the Fire­side Correspondence School has been handed over to the Ministerial Asso­ciation, and we truly desire to do all we can to improve the education, and thereby the efficiency, of our workers throughout our division."

Southern European Division.—Elder L. L. Caviness, secretary of the divi­sion, is accompanying Elder J. C. Raft, Ministerial Association secretary for the division, on an extensive trip through Africa. A letter written shortly before starting on this trip contains the following interesting items:

"Our council has authorized the pay­ment of one half the expense of the Reading Course books in English or in French for the workers who wish to have them, and a recommendation has been passed on to the unions to pay half the expense of the Reading Course books for workers taking the course in some other language. I understand the English and French Reading Course books are in the Collonges school library, and the German and Rumanian books are in the Rumanian school library. We also voted again to supply the workers in our division, who can read English, with The Ministry for 1930, free of charge. Per­sonally, I have appreciated very much the English Reading Course of 1929, and plan to take one or more of the 1930 books with me on my trip to Africa, also several of the books of the French Reading Course. Elder Raft and I will doubtless have an interest­ing and difficult trip. We will visit that part of Africa where we have only recently begun work, and where the sleeping sickness prevails. In some parts of the territory, cannibals still exist. But we trust in God's pro­tecting care to make us a blessing, and to give wisdom in planning for the future of the work in the needy fields of Equatorial Africa."

By various authors. 

March 1930

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