The General Conference Interneship plan forms a bond of particular friendship among the individuals who are its beneficiaries, as they come to have many things in common. I am endeavoring to do my part in this great movement out in the land of our Western pioneers,—a field large in territory but small in constituency, known as the Nevada Conference. I find the people hospitable, kind, and generous, and many are ready and anxious to drink of the water of life.
In the lake district, of which I have charge, there are three small churches within a circuit of 150 miles. But although so widely scattered, the church members are letting the light shine far and wide, and are very active in missionary work. About two months ago we organized a church of twenty-two members here in Alturas (just across the Nevada border in California), and there are others who are preparing for baptism. Quite an interest has been aroused in the surrounding country, but during the winter months it has been impossible to follow- up this interest in the proper way, because of the deep snow.
Inasmuch as it is impossible to rent a hall for public meetings, our efforts are confined to Bible readings and literature work at the present time, but in the spring we expect to enlarge our work, and trust that with the help of the Lord we shall see a strong forward movement in this neglected section of the great harvest field. I am truly happy that it is my privilege to have a small part in giving the last warning message to a lost world. I enjoy reading The Ministry, and am ordering the books for the Ministerial Reading Course. Remember this isolated section of God's vineyard in your prayers.
Chester E. Westphal,
Alturas, Calif.