The Ministerial Dead Line
The apostle Paul set forth a helpful principle when he wrote to Timothy, "Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth."
The Fundamental Difference
The religion of Jesus Christ is neither natural, nor is it unnatural; rather, it is supernatural.
The Power of Meekness
It is often the case that the counterfeit of meekness is mistaken for the genuine. The ornament of true meekness makes the possessor strong, positive, clear, aggressive, efficient, successful.
Giving No Offense in Anything
The greatest of all honors which can be conferred upon man involves responsibility of equal magnitude.
Tactful Contact With Public Officials
Many a good cause has been lost because of lack of knowledge in making a tactful approach to public officials, or of conduct becoming in the presence of such officials.
The Approach to Roman Catholics
It has been my privilege, for a number of years, to labor in behalf of the French Roman Catholics, and I have had the joy of seeing many accept the truth.
Christ Our Only Priest and Mediator*
Christ's work as Priest and as Mediator is essentially one and the same, but in order to make both phases of the subject plain and more easily understood by Orthodox [Greek] Catholics, who hold erroneous and mysterious views regarding the "priesthood of the new law" and the "intercession of saints," it is sometimes best to divide the subject into two parts.
Revelations in Nature and Science
Evidence is the basis of my faith. Evidence of more than human power in character transformation in the lives of some of my friends caused me to investigate, and first find the Lord in a never-to-be-forgotten experience.