Called to be Fishers of Men
Men can learn to be fishers of men. None is so poor or unlearned that he cannot become proficient in this divine occupation.
Youthful Recruits Must Augment Our Ministry
With every evidence before us that the world is hastening to its end, and the coming of our Lord is right at hand, how can the claims which we make denominationally be justified in the sight of judgment-bound men, if we do not continually bring into our ministry the vigor, the enterprise, the vision, and the hope of youth—especially at such an hour as this?
Promised Power
I am convinced that our greater success in the ministry is dependent upon our learning to rely upon the promised power disclosed in these words: "Not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit, saith the Lord of hosts." Zech. 4:6.
Good Counsel as to Unfulfilled Details
Many of us, no doubt, who are continually looking at the prophetic pictures of future events, trying to see more clearly every line of the picture drawn by the inspired pen, often find a detail obscure, when the essential outline stands out plain and clear and positive.
Personal Work in Connection With Evangelism
In connection with His public efforts we find that Jesus was also a personal worker—He worked for individuals.
Holding the Interest
Two great questions press upon us: First, How shall we reach the masses in the large cities? and second, How can we impress them with our message?
Non-Biblical Testimony to the Historicity of Jesus*
There is no person in all the annals of history in behalf of whom there is more convincing testimony than for Jesus of Nazareth, the Christ of the New Testament.
A New Experience in Christ
How an ugly disposition in my home and with my fellow workers is rapidly being displaced by a new love for everybody and a sweetness of disposition.
Conducting an Effort When Funds Are Low
In these times of depression, our evangelists will feel the curtailment of funds to provide helpers and advertising material.