Those who depend upon their oratory and brilliance in preaching will sooner or later be disappointed. Not only will they themselves be disappointed, but their congregations will also become aware that they are not being fed with the bread of life. A hungry person knows when he is being served with good food. Such food will be appreciated, and the partaker cannot fail to be grateful.
No joke nor anecdote can in any degree compare with the living word of God. God's word is productive. It created light in the beginning; it created and upholds the universe; and it creates new hearts. It overcomes sin, and transforms the lives of men and women. The minister who knows this truth for himself will study the Bible, and will carefully ponder every text of Scripture he introduces into his sermons. Before presenting passages of Holy Writ to his audience, he will first apply them to his own heart and make them his own. His own life will be cleansed and renovated; and when he speaks to the people, they will feel that their minister has been with God, and that God is speaking to them through His servant.
Such messages will create respect for the ministry. People will testify that their minister is a man of God. When he steps into the pulpit and bows in prayer, they know that he is talking with God. When he speaks, he will not hide away the living word in an outburst of oratory and many human phrases, but he will let the truth shine out in its clearness and beauty. Such sermons will make sinners tremble, and cause the repentant, believing soul to rejoice and hope in God.
When a minister presents his own words in the place of God's word, they are like chaff to the wheat. "Thy words were found, and I did eat them; and Thy word was unto me the joy and rejoicing of mine heart: for I am called by Thy name, 0 Lord of hosts." Jer. 15:16. The true messenger of God will speak in His name. He will say, "Thus saith the Lord." While he preaches, his own faith will be strengthened, and his audience will te-resrtrrreCt6fia tram spiritual death to spiritual life.
Glendale, Calif.