Prayer in its Vital Relation to the Worker
Prayer is communion with God. It unites the one who truly prays with Infinite Power, with the Godhead, in all that that fellowship and comradeship can ever mean.
The Minister—His Message, Authority, and Power
When the minister enters the sacred desk to speak to the people, he should have for them a living message from the living God. If he has such a message, he need offer no apologies for giving it; but if not, it were better to hold his peace.
Press Together
This spirit of unity, of whole-hearted co-operation, that established the ancient kingdom of Israel, is to be the spirit of the men and women who are engaged in the greatest spiritual warfare of these last days.
Man's Most Sacred and Most Neglected Privilege
This searching appeal comes as a tender entreaty and rebuke to most of us. Intensive work for God all too often crowds out that vitalizing communion with God that is imperative to spiritual power, and to the truest and most productive service for Him. May these counsels bear tangible fruitage in our lives.
Special Sabbath School Class for Thorough Indoctrination
Teaching doctrine through the vehicle of Sabbath School Class.
The Public Presentation of Testing Truths
Shall we compromise in the presentation of the message for the sake of holding large audiences?
Concreteness a Good Pulpit Watchword
Why is it that the messages of one worker at a camp meeting are the chief source of conversation and discussion among the brethren in attendance, while those of some other worker, just as sincere, just as profound in the enunciation of principles, are received with little comment or even an apparent lack of appreciation?
Organizing a Conference for Evangelism
With the depressed financial status of the world, it is hard to compare monetary results accurately, but it has been clearly demonstrated that the new members have proved a financial asset to us as a conference and to our world-wide work.
The Evangelism of Youth
A major field for evangelistic labor is that which comprises the children and youth of Seventh-day Adventist parentage.