Medical Question Box

In this brief article I have been asked to discuss the use of a Medical Question Box in connection with evangelistic effort.


In the writings of the Spirit of prophecy, the relationship of the health message to the advent movement is variously set forth. Using as an illustration the close coordination be­tween the different parts of the body, Mrs. White has said:

"The gospel ministry is an organization for . . . the carrying forward of the work for sick and well. This is the body, the medical mis­sionary work is the arm, and Christ is the head over all."—"Medical Ministry," p. 237.

In another place, the health program is said to be the "right hand" of the message. "The right hand is used to open doors through which the body may find entrance. This is the part the medical missionary work is to act."—Id., p. 238. In yet another place it is called "the entering wedge." Perhaps we do not get open­ings into as many places, and our evangelistic efforts do not win as many converts, as we should like, because the "arm," the "hand," and the "entering wedge" are not used in creating an opening, and in breaking down prejudice. Wherever our health work is given due prominence, it is of great help to our evangelists in obtaining a hearing, and thus in winning converts.

Concerning work in the large centers, we have also been informed:

"The principles of health reform are to be promulgated as a part of the work in these cities. The voice of the third angel's message is to be heard with power. Let the teachings of health reform be brought into every effort to get the light of truth before the people."—Id., p. 304.

In this brief article I have been asked to discuss the use of a Medical Question Box in connection with evangelistic effort. There are, of course, many other ways in which the med­ical work can be effectively employed. But almost all of our evangelists conduct a Question Box for the answering of religious questions, When the offering is passed, there are distrib­uted cards on which interested persons can put down their names for literature, and on which they may also write out their questions. In­quirers are usually instructed to place those questions in a box located near the exit.

If it is desired to have a Medical Question Box, the evangelist can announce this fact on several occasions, so that questions may ac­cumulate. The medical questions may be de­posited in the same box with the religious ques­tions. Usually a Medical Question Box will attract a good attendance, for the ones who have put in questions will very likely be there to hear the answers, and others will come to hear the discussion. The questions and an­swers can be used as often and as long as seems helpful.

I have personally had the privilege of help­ing in this way with meetings held by our evangelists, and have found that the people seem very much interested in the answers to their health questions, The Christian physi­cian who has had a little experience in this type of work, may be of great help to the evangelist by emphasizing the wonders of the body temple, and thereby bringing the people to view from a new angle the marvels of the Creator, and His great power. Admiration and love, and a desire to serve Him, may thus be fostered. Ofttimes questions regarding nerv­ousness, fear, and worry are asked. People who ask such questions are often harassed by spiritual problems, and their conscience is troubling them. It can thus be shown that sin is the great destroyer of mind, soul, and body, and that the best health insurance is a conscience void of offense toward God and man. The work of the physician and the evangelist should not be divorced, but closely blended in the saving of souls.

There are those who have unfortunately taken the position that the health message is of but lit­tle value in connection with public evangelistic work. Possibly this is because they have never given it a fair personal trial. True it is, of course, that no one can preach a message of health reform unless its principles have taken root in his own life. We have divine counsel as to what this phase of our message is capable of achieving, and as yet we have scarcely touched its possibilities with the tips of our fingers.

Washington, D.C.


October 1936

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